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General Program Functions: Navigator


The Navigator window is used to configure and operate shortcuts to favourite program functions. The Navigator window can be brought to the front of other windows at any time by selecting File — Open Navigator or by clicking the Navigator icon Navigator on the task toolbar.


Select a Topic on the left and then to access favourites directly double-click a shortcut, or right-click a shortcut to access all the menu items associated with the shortcut’s program function.

Link Link icon

This icon provides for system wide linked documents such as your company quality manual or general health and safety instructions. For a general introduction to the operation of the Linked Files System see the Introduction topic.

There is a general single link to company documents for which all users see the same. There are also links specific to each user and the Topic or Function selected in the Navigator.


Right-clicking the Navigator area (except on an icon or text) will result in a pop-up menu with the following options: –

Menu Item


Large Icons

Changes all shortcuts to large icon style.

Small Icons

Changes all shortcuts to small icon style.

Button Style

Toggles icon button style on/off.

Show Text

Toggles function menu text on/off.

Set-up Navigator

Toggles the menu function tree list on/off and opens the Navigator Entry Details window.

Set to Palette Style Window

Sets or resets the window to stay on top of other windows. When in palette mode the window cannot be re-sized.

Open on Startup

Check to cause the Navigator window to automatically open on starting the program.

Copy Favourites from Another User

This is only available when the Navigator is in Setup Mode. When operated you are prompted for a User Id. When entered and confirmed their Navigator Favourites will be copied into your Navigator.

Expand All

This is only available when the Navigator is in Setup Mode. When operated the function tree will fully expand all its branches.

Collapse All

This is only available when the Navigator is in Setup Mode. When operated the function tree will fully collapse.

Import User Favourites

You will be asked to select an import file. This will delete the current user Favourites and replace them with the imported set.

Export User Favourites

This will export in a special text format the current user Favourites so that they can be imported to another datafile. You will be asked for filename and destination.

Tip TIP: All user favorites are exported (or imported) when the Backup To Text File (or Retrieve From Backup Text File button functions are used on the System tab pane of the Privileges and Settings window, accessible from File — System Manager — Privileges and Settings.


Navigator Configuration Mode

Drag and drop functions from the tree list onto the Navigator area to make shortcuts, and drag and drop shortcuts within the Navigator area to change the order. To remove a shortcut, select it and press the delete key. You can also drag existing functions and drop them on an alternative topic to move them from one topic to another.

For more setup details see the Navigator Entry Details window help.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class wNavigator last modified 24 Apr 2018 10:49:33.

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