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  4. Optional Special User Functions: Special User Feature – PO Transport Details Maintenance

Optional Special User Functions: Special User Feature – PO Transport Details Maintenance

Special User Feature – PO Transport Details Maintenance

PO Transport Details Maintenance window

This special user feature is available in open source form in OpenVision.lbs.

The function is designed to provide additional information about purchase order line items that are being sent to you by sea or air. In this single window you can review and maintain data concerning the sipping and documentation.




Purchase Order Line Items. Purchase Order number. {POLFILE.POLPONO char 6}

Line number

Purchase Order Line Items. Line number if purchase order. {POLFILE.POLLINE number 0dpShortnum}

Reverse Sort

Check to reverse the sort order.


Purchase Order Line Items. Supplier code. {POLFILE.POLSUPC char 6}

Part number

Purchase Order Line Items. Our part number. {POLFILE.POLPTNO char 18}


Purchase Order Line Items. Ordered quantity in purchase units of measure. {POLFILE.POLQTY number 3dp}


Purchase Order Line Items. Purchase unit of measure. {POLFILE.POLPUUM char 6}

Due date

Purchase Order Line Items. Delivery date. {POLFILE.POLDATE date date1980}

Last modified

PO Transport Details. Record last modified date. {POSFILE.POSMOD date datetime}


PO Transport Details. Last modified user. {POSFILE.POSINIT char 3}

Description of goods

Purchase Order Line Items. Line item description. {POLFILE.POLDESC char 32000}


PO Transport Details. Confirmation received. {POSFILE.POSCONF boolean}


PO Transport Details. Expected Date of Arrival. {POSFILE.POSETA date date1980}

Ship or Airline

PO Transport Details. Transport vessel name. {POSFILE.POSSHIP char 30}

Transport Line or Agent

PO Transport Details. Transport line. {POSFILE.POSLINE char 20}


PO Transport Details. Documents received. {POSFILE.POSDOCS boolean}

Bill of Lading

PO Transport Details. Bill of Lading/Airway Bill. {POSFILE.POSBILL char 20}

In port

PO Transport Details. Vessel in-port/airport. {POSFILE.POSPORT boolean}



Save Changes

To save the changes you have made to the data file.

Revert Changes

To revert any changes to the previously saved version.

Delete Selected

Click to delete the transport record that your cursor is currently in in the list.

Add New

Click to add new PO line items. You will be asked to select a Delivery Point Code.

Build List

Click to build a list of current transport records.

Delete Received

Click to remove all transport records of items received into stock.

Print Listing

Click to print a report of the listing.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: This is a customisation class which is provided in open-source form within your OpenVision.lbs library. It may have been originally developed for a specific Caliach Vision user and may be highly specific to their data. It is not covered by normal customer support.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:49:00.00. Class wOptPoTransport last modified 6 Aug 2015 00:28:05.

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