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Optional Special User Functions: Product Costing Calculator

Product Costing Calculator

Product Costing Calculator

This window is an optional feature that can be used specialised product costing. You can add it as a function to the User main menu by adding the class wOptProductCostCalc into the Custom Feature settings. It provides a printed output only. No data is changed or stored by this feature.

It may be useful in making ad hoc costing calculations for assembles based on the last price paid for materials and components and the current part master cost. You can also add additional items, descriptively setup as Standard Sales Texts, such as shipping, packaging, customs, etc..

You can change the currency and tha sales unit of measure so that the costs are shown in the desired currency and units.



Part number

Parts Master. Part number unique identifier. {PTMFILE.PTMPTNO char 18 Idx}

Stock Unit of Measure

Parts Master. Standard stock unit of measure. {PTMFILE.PTMSTUM char 6}


Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30}

Standard sales UoM

Parts Master. Sales unit of measure. {PTMFILE.PTMSAUM char 6}

Standard sales UoM multiplier

Parts Master. Sales order Unit of Measure Multiplier. {PTMFILE.PTMMULTI number 4dp}

Currency code

Currency Rates. Currency symbol code. {CURFILE.CURCODE char 3 Idx}


Currency Rates. Currency name. {CURFILE.CURNAME char 20}

Exchange rate

Currency Rates. Exchange rate (default currency = this currency * rate). {CURFILE.CUREXCH number float}

Alternative sales UoM

Enter an alternative sales unit of measure.

Alternative sales UoM multiplier

Enter a multiplier for the alternative sales unit of measure.

Standard sales price for the alternative sales UoM

The standard sales price calculated for the alternative sales unit of measure and in the currency.

Control: Cost on last

Check this option for the values (Cost/Sales UoM) to be based on Last part cost rather than New cost. This switches the Cost/Sales UoM from New to Last cost.

Control: Blow through multi-level

Check this option to blow down to purchased materials multi-level. It therefore ignores all sub-assembly production costs (labour, overheads, etc.).

Control: Apply purchase part quantity costs

Check this option to apply quantity cost breaks when available, otherwise last cost. If there is no purchase part row for the Preferred Supplier of the part, the part current costs are used. If there are multiple purchase part rows the record with the best performance ratings will be used. If those are equal the lowest last cost will be used.

Control: For quantity

A quantity of production that will be factored into the quantity pricing calculation. This is only used if the Apply purchase part quantity cost option is checked.

List of components

List of components used in the assembly listed above.

New cost of selected

Enter an alternative new cost for the currently selected line.

New quantity of selected

Enter an alternative quantity required for the currently selected line.

Total of components

The calculated total cost per sales UoM in currency of the components.

Additional items list

List of Additional Items used.


Additional item code. Must be predefined as a Standard Sales Text.

The code should be related to a Standrad Sales Text, the text of which should be formatted in a particular way, for example “Blending fee per 25 Ltr*46.768*1”. The standard text has three elements separated by the * character, so in the example here has a cost of 16.768 and the default quantity is 1.000.


Description of the additional item (from standard sales text of that code).


Enter a cost for the currently selected line additional item.


Enter a quantity required for the currently selected line additional item.


The calculated total cost per sales UoM in currency of the additional items.

Total cost/Sales UoM

The calculated total cost per sales UoM in currency for everything.



Add O’h

Adds a item to the list with part number OVERHEAD in a quantity of total BoM quantity of parts with index code 1 = RI. The cost by default is 0.1875 in local currency.

Add Additional

Adds a line to the additional items list.

Remove Additional

Removes the selected line from the additional items list.


To print the results. Right-click for destination choice.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: This is a customisation class which is provided in open-source form within your OpenVision.lbs library. It may have been originally developed for a specific Caliach Vision user and may be highly specific to their data. It is not covered by normal customer support.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 15 Jan 2017 11:22:00.00. Class wOptProductCostCalc last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:28.

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