Quality Results Data Maintenance
This window is used to enter Quality Assurance test results. It can also be used in conjunction with the Process — QA and Tracking Menu to maintain and add test result sets.
When a part is received into inventory and has a regime and its Quality assurance tested flag is set in the Part Maintenance window, the user is provided with this window into which they should enter the Quality Control test results.
NOTE: During inventory movements data is manipulated inside a serialized transaction so that all data changes are applied, or none at all in fault conditions. If user-entry were allowed during this process deadlocks could occur, locking other users out of the database for an indeterminate period. So, when a part movement subject to a QA Test is encountered a test record is created automatically with a blank result set within the serialized transaction. After the whole transaction is completed successfully this Quality Results window, with the blank results set, will open automatically, for each part so encountered to allow the user to enter the test results.
Field |
Description |
Part Number |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Part number. {QAHFILE.QAHPTNO char 18} |
Part Description |
Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30} |
Stock UoM |
Parts Master. Standard stock unit of measure. {PTMFILE.PTMSTUM char 6} |
Movement Type |
Movement type that lead to the record being created. |
Movement Reference |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Reference (WO, PO, STHREF etc). {QAHFILE.QAHREF char 15} |
Dated |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Date of quality record. {QAHFILE.QAHDATE date date1980} |
Tracking Reference |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Tracking reference. {QAHFILE.QAHTREF char 16} |
Quantity into Stock |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Batch quantity. {QAHFILE.QAHQTY number 3dp} |
Batch ID |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Batch number (as STOBATC). {QAHFILE.QAHBATC char 7} |
QA Test Number |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Quality event serial number (from MCNQAH). {QAHFILE.QAHIDNO number} |
User Id |
Quality Assurance Result Header. User’s transaction ID. {QAHFILE.QAHINIT char 3} |
Remarks |
Quality Assurance Result Header. Comments. {QAHFILE.QAHCOMM char 10000000} |
Test and Results Grid |
List of tests and results for the part test set. |
Number |
Quality Assurance Part Tests. Test number of the set for the part. {QAPFILE.QAPNO integer} |
Test |
Test description is from codes previously set up. |
Range |
Quality Assurance Part Tests. Test result expectation for the part. {QAPFILE.QAPRANG char 255} |
Minimum |
Quality Assurance Part Tests. Minimum permissible numeric value (if any). {QAPFILE.QAPMIN number float} |
Maximum |
Quality Assurance Part Tests. Maximum permissible numeric value (if any). {QAPFILE.QAPMAX number float} |
QA Test Result |
Quality Assurance Test Results. Quality test result. {QARFILE.QARRESU char 1000} |
Enforcements |
Icons are provided to indicate the enforcement rules for each test. If the test is both enforced and quarantined, an out of range result will lead to the received quantity being placed in a quarantined stock location. The part must however be flagged for multi-location stock for this rule to be enforced. |
Button |
Action |
Revert |
To revert any changes to the previously saved version. |
Save |
To save the changes you have made to the data file. |
See also: – |
Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 14 Jul 2016 07:46:00.00. Class wQAResults last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:37.