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Preferences: Database Connection Settings          


This window allows you to modify the Extras/Logon.db database containing logon settings for users.

You can gain access to these settings from the Logon window or the File — Preferences –Database Logon Settings menu item, or from the File — Advanced — Create New Database and Copy Data window.

File Path

File > Preferences > Database Logon Settings…

This file path takes you to the Database Connection Settings window.

This window has two tabs

Basic Tab

Basic logon parameters.

There can be any number of these setting each being given a unique extended company name which is used for user selection, built up from license company name and the suffix you apply, such as “My Company Inc.” or “My Company PLAY DATA”. The Company license name options comes from the Extras/Caliach.inf license file. You then choose the DBMS that is to be used and this determines what other parameters are required. SQLite simply requires a path to the database (note on MacOSX this is the absolute POSIX-style path) and nothing more. MySQL and PostgreSQL require a Host and Port for TCP connection, a Database name, and a Username and Password which ascribes internal database privileges for the connection (not to be confused with the program User ID and Password).

Company full name

The connection is associated with a full company name made up or the License Name and a Suffix. Select the full company name to view or modify the database connection settings.

Company licence name

Select the license name for the database connection. Only company names you are licensed to use are available.


A suffix can be added to the licensed company name (e.g. Ltd., Inc, of TEST DATA). The combination of the company name and suffix will identify the Logon to users.

Add New button

Add a new connection/database. It must be a unique license name and suffix combination. All settings for the new connection will be copied from the currently selected one.

Company Subfolder

An optional folder path inside the Terminal Settings optServerFolder for this database. When this company is logged onto, the combined path will be used to locate supporting files: Extras, Custom, ProgUser.db, ProgSyst.db, etc..

Resulting Path

When this company is logged onto, this combined path will be used to locate supporting files: Extras, Custom, ProgUser.db, ProgSyst.db, etc..

Database management system

Select the Database Engine you propose to use.

Database file path

Database file path for SQLite (e.g. F:DataMyDataFalie.db or a partial path which gets prefixed with optHostPathRoot Terminal option) or Host under server-based DBMSs (e.g. localhost or

Database icon

Click to brows the SQLite database. To create a new one just type in the path and new file name.

SQLite Mac or Linux filepath

Database file full path for SQLite only when used by a Mac or Linux client or a partial path which gets prefixed with optHostPathRoot Terminal option. The result must be an absolute POSIX-style path.


Under server-based SQL engines you can define a port for server communications. The default for MySQL is 3306 and ProstgreSQL it is 5432.

Database name

With server-based DBMS engines your database has an internal database name. In SQLite this is always main.


With server-based DBMS engines, which implements internal security, you must logon with a Username and Password, already set up by your Database Administrator. This determines your privileges within the database.


With server-based DBMS engines, which implements internal security, you must logon with a Username and Password, already set up by your Database Administrator. This determins your privileges within the database.

Delete button

Click to delete the settings for the currently selected Company.

Revert button

Click to revert to the previously saved condition.

Save button

Click to save any changes you have made.


Advanced tab

Advanced logon and client connection parameters. This applies only to Server Engines and not SQLite. It is a list with two columns. It automatically extends when you tab out of the last line’s Value field.

This tab pane can contain many additional connection parameters that overwrite standard defaults. Many of these are performance and tuning options which are best not dabbled with. Because the program expects to set and select dates that have an empty value the session $defaultdate is always set to ” and $emptydateisnull is set kFalse in SQLite and MySQL, and 1st Jam 1800 for PostgreSQL.

Property or $connectoption

Advanced parameters (lower-case begining with $) or HostServer $conectoption constants (mixed-case begining with k).

See also:Logon

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 8 April 2024

Class wsqlinitsettings-2 (Database Connection Settings) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: File > Preferences > Database Logon Settings…

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