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Preferences: SQL and Error Log Review

SQL and Error Log Review

SQL and Error Log Review window

This window is useful when you encounter problems or wish to fully explore the Select statements of Dynamic Queries.

Not all SQL statements the program sends are logged as this would reduce performance significantly.



SQL Log list

Select a log entry to view the details.

Log limit

The limit of log entries retained. If set to zero logging will be turned off.

SQL text

The actual SQL statement sent to the server. Bind variables are typically shown as ?

Error Log

Select a log entry to view the details.

Log limit

The limit of error log entries retained. If set to zero logging will be turned off.

Error message

These are generally cryptic but can point to where the server has encountered a proble.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 8 Jan 2015 05:31:00.00. Class wSqlLogReview last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:52.

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