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General Program Functions: Program/User Code Update Notes – Please Read Me

Program/User Code Update Notes – Please Read Me

Update Notes window

The Update Notes window will automatically open when a user has upgraded from a Change Management System ProgCode.upt or ProgCode.usa file and when contained update notes.

Depending on version control you may have several pages of notes which you can work through with the Next button, which on the last page is replaced by a Finish button.



Print List

To print a report of all the notes associated with the update.


Show the previous note.


Show the next note. When complete this button will change to Finish.


To close the window.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 3 Nov 2001 21:19:00.00. Class wUpdateNotes last modified 5 Feb 2015 10:36:47.

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