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  4. General Program Functions: Custom Search Selection

General Program Functions: Custom Search Selection

Custom Search Selection

This window allows the selection, modification and creation of user defined custom searches. The window is opened by clicking Custom Search on Record Selection windows.

Button Functions




Confirms the selection and closes the window.


Closes the window without applying any custom search.

The window has 3 tab panes.

Design in Text 


Custom Search Selection - Select tab pane

To select a stored custom search.


The main area of this tab pane is a list of stored searches.

To select a search, click in the list. Click OK to enable the search and close the window. Alternatively double click a search in the list.

To abandon any selection and close the window click Cancel.


When exiting this window, the Use Custom option in the parent record selection window will always be selected. To return to the main selection criteria, the option must be de-selected.

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Custom Search Selection - Modify tab pane

To create or modify a stored custom search.


To create a new search click New and enter a name in the Search Name data entry box.

To restrict access to the search, enter a user ID or group name into the relevant data entry boxes.

Click Modify Search to open the Search Designer window and modify the new or currently selected search.

Click Delete to delete the currently selected search.

Button Functions



Modify Search

Opens the Search Designer window for the currently selected search.


Creates a new search and opens the Search Designer window.


Deletes the currently selected search.

Data Elements



Group name

If you want to restrict access to this search to a particular user group, enter it here.

User Id

If you want to make the search specific and only available to a single user, enter the user ID here.

Search name

Enter the name of the custom search for identification later.


The search class that the search definition will be applied to when used.


The internal File Class that will be available for the custom search.

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Design in Text

The stored text version of the search design data. This may be useful to pass to others for help in getting the search to work.




A text coded version of the search design. Normally, this is a disabled field. However, if you double-click on it it will become editable, and changing anything will be saved to the database when you leave the field with a tab or by clicking outside it. This is useful for direct updates.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 23 Feb 2016 09:58:00.00. Class wSearchSelect last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:44.

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