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  4. Ledgers Purchase or Accounts Payable: Supplier Immediate Payment Transaction Details

Ledgers Purchase or Accounts Payable: Supplier Immediate Payment Transaction Details

Supplier Immediate Payment Transaction Details

Supplier Immediate Payment Transaction Details

Enter data specific to the bank transaction.



Bank or cash account

Enter the bank account directly or by using keyword search or the accounts ScratchPad using drag and drop.

Account description

General Ledger accounts description.


Ledger Transactions. Gross amount in local currency debited (-ve credited) to account. {TRAFILE.TRAGROS number 2dp}


Ledger Transactions. Currency code. {TRAFILE.TRACURR char 3}


Ledger Transactions. Date of transaction. {TRAFILE.TRADATE date date1980}

Document reference

Ledger Transactions. Document reference. {TRAFILE.TRADOCR char 15} NOTE: Document Reference values can not be between “XX-000000” and “XX-999999” where XX is either ASS, CA, CH, CR or IN, as these are reserved for the system.

Tip TIP: The option optAcApPayNowTexts is available to force change the Document reference and Comment. You set this option to up to two texts separated by a comma. The first will be for the payment Document reference and the second for the comment. Use the character % to substitute the original invoice document reference. For example, Online,Payment of %.


Ledger Transactions. Comments on transaction. {TRAFILE.TRACOMM char 30}

Confirm your entry or cancel to return to the invoice entry window.




Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Oct 2017 07:20:47.27. Class wAcApPaynow last modified 4 Oct 2017 06:47:31.

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