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Customer Parts: Customer Parts Changes Log

Customer Parts Changes Log

Customer Parts Changes Log

You can maintain a log of changes to your Customer-Parts data. To have this active you must set the Customer Parts – record changes log preference in the System Preferences window.

The changes log records the new values of any field amended. It does not record the old value. For a full log therefore, you need to set the changes log feature on before any customer parts are added otherwise the full history of a record will not be maintained.

Note NOTE: Importing customer-parts data using the Data Transfer Utility or any other importing means will not create log entries. This also applies to any custom features unless specifically designed. Log entries are only made during activities taking place from the Customer-Parts menu. However, you can use the System Preference to set all Customer Part records without log entries to have an initial log entry. To do this, turn off the Record changes log system preference and then turn it back on. You will then be offered the initialisation option.



Part number

Customer Parts Archive. Part number (inside relation to PTMPTNO). {CPAFILE.CPAPTNO char 18}


Customer Parts Archive. Customer code (inside relation to CUSCODE). {CPAFILE.CPACUSC char 6}

Log list

Listing of all log entries for the selected Customer-Part record.

Selected log record

Customer Parts Archive. New changed data. {CPAFILE.CPACOMM char 10000000}



Print List

Print a report of the listed log items.

See the Data File Integrity Maintenance – Archive and Delete pane topic for details on archiving log records.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:37:00.00. Class wCptLog last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:50:49.

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