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  4. General Program Functions: Bulk Email Sending Details

General Program Functions: Bulk Email Sending Details

Bulk Email Sending Details

Buld Email Sending Details window

This window enables you to confirm a bulk email transmission. The list shows the recipient addresses and message subjects. You can attach files to your bulk emails.




Email priority between 1 and 5 (5 is highest).

Show Debug Log

When checked a debug log will be made during transmission and displayed after completion.


The list at the bottom is of enclosure files to be attached to each message. Select and use the delete key to remove files from the list.




Click to add an additional file to attach to the message.


To abandon sending this particular email. Any files of reports printed will be lost on the next email print operation.


To send this particular email with enclosures. Any files of reports printed will be lost on the next email print operation. They can be found in your Email then Temp directory.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 21 Oct 2001 11:10:00.00. Class wEmailBulkSend last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:11.

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