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Advanced Functions: Language Management

Language Management

This feature enables you to customise the language embedded in windows, reports and menus, etc. In effect it gives you an opportunity to create an alternative language version of Caliach Vision.

Caliach Vision can be translated into alternative languages. Caliach write in UK English. However, alternative languages can be accommodated using various tools.

The following table shows the material and areas that are language-sensitive and the tools appropriate for translation of the program environment. This is not to be confused with translation of data texts which is the Language Swap System.


Texts held in

Tool for translation

Window object texts

Protected window classes within the Vision.lbs library. Custom data is held in Translate.df1 file in the Custom directory.

File — Advanced — Localisation

Report object texts

Protected report classes within the Vision.lbs library. Custom data is held in Translate.df1 file in the Custom directory.

File — Advanced — Localisation

Menu line texts

Protected menu classes within the Vision.lbs library. Custom data is held in Translate.df1 file in the Custom directory.

File — Advanced — Localisation

File object descriptions

Protected file classes within the Vision.lbs library. Custom data is held in Translate.df1 file in the Custom directory.

File — Advanced — Localisation

Other class texts and descriptions

Protected classes within the Vision.lbs library. Custom data is held in Translate.df1 file in the Custom directory.

File — Advanced — Localisation

Window, menu and toolbar tooltips

Protected classes within the Vision.lbs library. Custom data is held in Translate.df1 file in the Custom directory.

File — Advanced — Localisation

Messages and program generated texts

Strings.stb file in the Extras directory.

File — Advanced — String Maintenance

Vision Help Topics

HTML files generated from stored data in HelpData.df1 in the Custom directory

File — Advanced — Special Functions Utility — Help Manager

Reference Book

Adobe PDF file generated from the Vision Help Topics HTML file structure.

Adobe Acrobat program.

Update Notes

ProgCode.upt and ProgCode.usa

File — Advanced — Change Management System

Fault and Feature Database

WishBugs.bug data file in the Custom directory

File — Advanced — Feature Suggestion and Faults

Sales Documents

WP/DTP files

MS Word/Quark (available only to Translating Distributors)

Caliach Vision is designed to be code-independent of text language. To ensure this is the case a number of approaches have been taken. Help is held in lookup files independent of the operating program and main datafile. Text strings that occur in the program, such as messages and data defaults are similarly held in an independent lookup file.

There are other areas of language-sensitive text not held independently of the operating programs. These are texts directly associated with windows, reports, files and fields. For example, window titles, literal texts and the descriptions of fields, etc.. For the translation of these texts we have to make use of the Omnis Studio object-oriented architecture to convert the standard English version of Caliach Vision into a translated version using a stored translation of the texts.

The remainder of this section is centred solely on this area of language translation.

Language Management

A special feature is available to store and manage translated class object texts. Alternative language translations can be entered. These are then stored in a special data file named Translate.df1, automatically created in the Custom directory.

The translation texts can be applied to the program classes, even when using a runtime version of Omnis Studio. Once these texts are applied this version of Caliach Vision becomes a language edition.

Note NOTE: Caliach will not provide support for use of this feature, or the consequences of its use, unless you are an authorised Translating Distributor.

The Language Management feature of Caliach Vision and associated programs uses Omnis Notation object-oriented technology. Each text is associated and keyed to a notation reference. These references are like an pathname and contain the names of objects.

Warning WARNING: If in the future a program class is modified such that object reference paths change or names change within the path, the reference will be broken and the translation will fail. Caliach DO NOT guarantee that this will not happen and it is the responsibility of the translator to repair any damage so caused.

When the Language Management window opens and there is no Translate.df1 file in the Custom directory, you will be asked if one should be created. If you answer No, the window will close.

The window has 3 tab panes.

Program Classes 
Object Texts 
Mass Change 

Program Classes

Language Management - Program Classes pane

This pane shows selected program classes from which you can select for a language analysis.

To operate the window, select a class from the class type list. The class list will then be populated with a list of all classes in your Vision.lbs library.

You then select one or more of the classes in the list and switch to the Object Text tab pane. A list of all objects with texts in the selected classes will be built.

Warning WARNING: Take care this can take a long time if many classes are involved. Caliach Vision typically has approximately 50,000 text phrases in 1190+ classes.



Class types list

List of all classes. Select to build a full list of program classes of this type.

Class list

List of the classes of the selected type in the program.

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Object Texts

Language Management - Object Texts pane

This pane lists the class object texts for the selected classes and enables you to set a language alternative for each.

Warning WARNING: Special care must be taken with square-bracket notation. Square-bracket notation is effectively calculated text. When Omnis displays or prints a square-bracketed piece of text it evaluates the text between the square brackets as though it were an Omnis calculation. For example, ‘One plus One equals [1+1]’ would print ‘One plus One equals 2’. Another common example is ‘Page [#P]’, where #P is the page number Omnis variable, [#P] evaluates to the page number at runtime. Care must be taken with square-bracket texts not to effect anything other than quoted text within them, otherwise the alternative text will fail to be applied to the class.

Warning WARNING: Another type of text calculation to be careful of are Notation strings. For example: ‘$clib.$windows.wPtmEdit.$desc’ which returns the description text for the window class named in the field wPtmEdit.

For each text you want to change, simply enter an alternate text. After completing your changes click on the Save to Disk button. To apply the alternative text, click on the Apply Alternatives. You cannot reverse this process.



Object text list

Lists all objects for the classes selected in the Program Classes tab pane.

Standard text

Program’s standard text for the selected object attribute.

Alternative text

Your alternative text for the selected object attribute.




Creates a tab-delimited text file of the listed texts.


Imports into the list alternative texts from a tab-delimited text file previously exported and amended.

Save to Disk

Saves any changes that you have made to alternative texts.

There is a system option optLangLocalPriority that blocks language edition translation updates from overwriting texts that have been localised.

Apply Alternatives

Apply alternative texts listed to the program classes.

Operating this tool will replace the current object texts in the current library’s classes with any alternative texts shown in the list. This is effectively the translation process of the current library. Without using this tool any change to the data listed will only be recorded in the data file Translate.df1. If the alternative text is regarded as illegal by Omnis Studio, no transfer will take place.


Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

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Mass Change

Language Management - Mass Change pane

Enables you to set up a list of global changes of words or parts of words and apply that change to the entire program.



Language grid

Lists the words or part words that are translatable in a language file.

Language set name

The name given to the language set that will be produced. If it exists already the current set will be overwritten in the language file.

Only look in the Strings file

Limits the search to the String file.

Do not save in the data file

Check this option to only report the findings and not save the results into the Language data file.



UK to US Standard

Lists the standard UK english to US english word list.

Show Set Names

Lists the available language sets in the Language.df1 file in the Custom directory.

Find and Save Language Set

Searches all classes and the string file for the words in the Language Set and saves references to them in the data file. This reference list can then be used to Apply Language Change.

Test Language Change

To test apply the stored language conversion and log results.

Apply Language Change

To apply the stored language conversion to the current program and log results. This is NOT REVERSIBLE.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 28 Jan 2013 08:59:00.00. Class wLanguage last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:50:56.

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