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  4. Goods Receipt and Purchase History: View Engineering Data

Goods Receipt and Purchase History: View Engineering Data

View Engineering Data

View Engineering Data

This window opens with the engineering data for the part selected when you click on the Show Engineering button of the Goods Receipt from Purchase Order window.

Tip TIP: You can usefully incorporate quality standards information in the Engineering Data and then use this feature to gain access to procedures for quality assessment during the receiving process.



Document List

All Engineering Data Documents that relate to the part selected. Select a line to view the details.


Engineering Data. Document number unique reference. {ENGFILE.ENGDRNO char 18}


Engineering Data. Engineering text (pre-V4 was ENTTEXT). {ENGFILE.ENGTEXT char 100000000}

Standard Text

Standard Texts (E,P,S,W). Text. {TXTFILE.TXTTEXT char 10000000}


Engineering Data. Document number unique reference. {ENGFILE.ENGDRNO char 18}


Engineering Data. User reference for record. {ENGFILE.ENGUSER char 10}


Engineering Data. Document size. {ENGFILE.ENGDSIZ char 2}


Engineering Data. Document revision. {ENGFILE.ENGDNRV char 2}


Engineering Data. Engineering date. {ENGFILE.ENGDATE date date1980}

Graphic (if any)

Graphics. Engineering picture. {GRAFILE.GRAPHIC picture}

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:49:00.00. Class wPolEng last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:51:01.

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