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Sales Dispatch: Sales Dispatch Potential Review

Sales Dispatch Potential Review

Sales Dispatch Potential Review

This window provides a selective listing of SO line items showing inventory information. You can choose one of the review selection options in the Sales Dispatch Potential Options window that will be opened.

Tip TIP: If you have the Sales Order Dispatch window open, Double-clicking on the SO in this list will load the Dispatch window with the order.

When you click on a line details will be shown below. Those details include:



Default stock location

Parts Master. Stores single or preferred location. {PTMFILE.PTMSLOC char 8}

Dispatch Potential list

The list provides three lines of data for each part. You should note that the ‘available now’ quantity does not take account of when future demand occurs.

Ordered quantity

Sales Order Line Items. Quantity in Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLSQTY number 3dp}

Due quantity

Sales Order Line Items. Balance quantity due in Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLBAL number 3dp}

Bonded quantity

Sales Order Line Items. Bonded quantity in Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLBOND number 3dp}

Current physical quantity

Part physical quantity in Sales UoM.

Current Projected quantity

The projected quantity for the part (physical – due to SOs – allocated + due from P/WOs). In Sales UoM.

Current Planned quantity

Quantity that MRP plans to finish with at the end of the calendar. In Sales UoM.

Depending on the demand selection for the MRP run and the time it was done, with respect to when the order was placed, this figure may have already taken into account the dispatch of this item. If there is no MRP forecast for the part, and for all non-part line items, these values will be blank.

Planned date

Last active date in the MRP plan.

Available now quantity

Quantity available (including any bonded quantity) to dispatch now subject to other consumption of the part in the list order shown. In Sales UoM.

Available projected quantity

Quantity available (including any bonded quantity) to dispatch based on the projected quantity subject to other consumption of the part in the list order shown. In Sales UoM.

Available Planned quantity

Quantity available (including any bonded quantity) for this dispatch out of the MRP planned quantity. In Sales UoM.

Tip TIP: If the Available now is equal to the Quantity due to ship, then that line item can be dispatched without fear of using stock required for another dispatch that was due earlier. The Available in plan provides a guide to whether the quantity needed is accommodated for within the last MRP forecast.

Warning WARNING: All quantities shown are in the Sales Unit of Measure for the line item. This may well not be the same as the Stock UoM.

Tip TIP: You can be sure you are free to make a dispatch if the Qty. due to ship is less than or equal to the Physical stock and also the Available now. However, you should check that there are no other items with the same part that may also consume the stock.



Print List

To print a report of the listed items.

Print Pick Lists for Selected

To print a Picking Lists for the Selected items only. Quantities to ship are set to the Available now quantity listed.

Warning WARNING: This does not print the normal picking list for the orders selected. It specifically prints picking lists for each order where items are selected on the list but only includes the selected items on it. Also, unlike normal picking lists, shows only the listed Available now quantity as the quantity to dispatch, which may be zero.

Build List

To build another list.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class wSalesDelPot last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:51:06.

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