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Sales Order: Select Sales Order

Select Sales Order

Select Sales Order

This window enables you to select an existing Sales Order or Quotation.

You can enter a SO number, Customer Reference, Our Reference or Customer Code to find the desired document. When passing out of each of the fields the system will find the closest matching SO record to the data entered. You can click on the Show Listing button to build a list of all SOs in the system controlled by the selection you make in the dropdown list below the button. You can also use the Show button to view the Sales Order or Quotation Details window.



Sales Order Number

Sales Order Header. Sales order number (user’s not customer’s). {SOHFILE.SOHSONO char 6}

Customer Reference

Sales Order Header. Customer order reference. {SOHFILE.SOHCREF char 20}

Additional Reference

Sales Order Header. Additional user order entry reference. {SOHFILE.SOHAREF char 6}

Customer Code

Sales Order Header. Customer code. {SOHFILE.SOHCUSC char 6}

Customer Name

Customers. Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}

Invoice on Dispatch

Sales Order Header. No invoice on dispatch. {SOHFILE.SOHNINV boolean}

Stop Status

Indicates the status of any order stop conditions.

Order or Quotation

Sales Order Header. Order released flag. {SOHFILE.SOHRELF boolean}

Printed Flag

Sales Order Header. SO printed flag (YES = printed). {SOHFILE.SOHPRNT boolean}

Note NOTE: If you have privileges to change a sales order, you can double-click on this field to change its status from printed to un-printed and visa-versa.

Tip TIP: Normally a SO is marked as printed only if it is printed directly to a Printer or Email. It will not be marked as printed if it is sent to the Screen or Preview and from there on to the Printer. You can override this behaviour such that it will be marked as printed regardless of the destination by setting the Option optSOPrintMarkAll to 1. You can generally override the Printer and Email default destinations with the optRepDestMarkDoc option that allows you to set a selection of destinations for which documents will be marked as printed.

Tip TIP: There is a system-level option optAdlSoInvPrint to automatically change Invoice Address after a SO has been printed. If set to 1, after a SO is marked as printed, the invoice address and contact will change to any INV link setup. Resetting the printed flag will set them to SO link, if any. The logic means that if you have an Individual Invoice address, you will loose that on printing the SO if you have this option set AND there is an “Invoice (Invoice on A/R)” document link set. If you have a “Sales Order (Invoice on SO)” link set for the customer, the address/contact will be reset if the SO printed flag is reset. You can very easily watch the logic if you have a SO (maintenance or review) open for a customer where you have the two document links set up, and then double-click on the Printed/Not Printed box on the SO selection dialog.

Currency and Invoice Type

Sales Order Header. Invoiced flag (Yes=Pro-Forma Invoice prepared). {SOHFILE.SOHINVF boolean}

Quotation Date

Sales Order Header. Date of quotation. {SOHFILE.SOHDAQO date date1980}

Sales Order Date

Sales Order Header. Date order entered into the system. {SOHFILE.SOHDATE date date1980}

Delivery Address

Indicates whether the order has an alternative delivery address.

Pass selection to window immediately

Check to cause the selection to be immediately reflected on the target window.

Explode Kit Items

Check to show kit items exploded in the document.

Tip TIP: Normally, when the same part is applied to consecutive line items any part extra texts (individual or standard) are suppressed so the first line only contains them. This is to reduce unnecessary duplication. However, this normal behaviour can be prevented with the user Option optSOPartTextDupl set to 1. Extra texts are then repetitively printed. If this option is set the effect will apply to all customer documents including Sales Orders, Jobs and Invoices.




Click to open the Sales Order or Quotation Details window.

Show Listing

Click to show a list of quotations and orders based on the selection below.

List Contents Dropdown List

Choose a selection for the listing.


Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


Will cause a report to be printed of the subject matter. Right-click to change the report destination.


The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 11 Nov 2012 04:02:00.00. Class wSalesOrderno last modified 17 Oct 2017 04:29:56.

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