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Sales Order: Sales Order Maintenance


The Sales Order Maintenance window is where the information for each order is entered or amended.

File Path

Process > Sales Orders > Select Order or Quote

This file path takes you to the Sales Order Maintenance window. This window has 4 tabs.

Customer and Terms tab

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


Sales order number (user’s not customer’s). {SOHFILE.SOHSONO char 6} Sales Order Numbers are automatically generated from the Manager Serial Number Log. Quotations are simply un-confirmed Sales Orders and therefore use the same number system.

Attach icon

Holding down the shift key and clicking on this icon will open the Confirmed Linked File window which allows you to attach documents to the Sales Order.

Customer Code

Customer code. {SOHFILE.SOHCUSC char 6}

This is the unique alpha-numerical 6 character code that identifies the customer.

You can apply the optSOShowCusComment user option. This provides a pop-up window that will display the selected customer’s comments text when new documents are created. If set to 1, all customer comments are displayed. If set to START,END the program will search for a text contained within the START and END markers (which can be any alphanumeric strings. If only ,END is specified, all text up to the END marker is displayed, if only START is specified, all test from the START marker is displayed. Being a user-level option, multiple aide-memoires can be provided for different users or groups.

Customer Name

Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}

Confirmed as Sales Order tick box

Order released flag. {SOHFILE.SOHRELF Boolean

This flag field determines whether the Sales Order is confirmed (checked) or remains a Quotation (un-checked). Once released it cannot be returned to a Quotation if any dispatch has taken place.

Customer reference

Sales Order Header. Customer order reference. {SOHFILE.SOHCREF char 20}

TIP: The optSOCrefCheck  option can be applied. If set to 1, a check is made for SOs and Jobs that the customer reference is unique for that customer in current open documents. If not, a warning is given. If set to 2, dispatched sales history is also tested.

Dispatch order complete

Dispatch Complete Order only flag. {SOHFILE.SOHBOND boolean}

This checkbox option controls whether the Sales Order can be dispatched to the customer in multiple dispatches, with multiple Invoices. If checked, the Sales Order can only be dispatched if all items in full are dispatched in one go. However, in this circumstance items can still be Bonded, i.e. removed from physical stock and kept aside in bond until dispatch to the customer of all items is possible.

Additional reference

Additional user order entry reference.

Mkt. project code

Marketing project code, default from CUSMKTP (IDXID = con(‘0’,SOHMKTP)). {SOHFILE.SOHMKTP char 4 Idx} See the Marketing Data Maintenance window help for more details of Marketing Project codes and their use.

Mkt. project Description

Index Code, Scrap Reason, QA Test, or Incoterm description.

Show button

This lists the available marketing codes set up in File > System Manager > Index Codes. Double click on a listed code to enter that value.

No invoice on dispatch

No invoice on dispatch. {SOHFILE.SOHNINV boolean}

If this check box is checked no Invoice, as such, will be created at the time of Dispatch confirmation. A Dispatch Note will be created and all invoice line-item records (sales history) will be created. However, for the dispatch transaction to be Invoiced an action must be undertaken under the Process — Dispatch — View Un-invoiced Dispatches menu item. A customer can be set to Default No Invoice on Dispatch.

TIP: This feature is particularly useful when you have contract arrangements for monthly invoicing for a customer.

TIP: There is a system-level option optSODisableSohninv that will disable the No Invoice on Dispatch checkbox on Sales Order Maintenance. This will NOT prevent it being inherited from the customer’s default, this option in-effect enforces it.

TIP: This feature is also useful if you want to dispatch goods before an accounting period end and invoice them in the following accounting period. In this case care must be taken not to infringe accounting rules and legislation, as no accounting record is made of the dispatch when stocks are reduced. The dispatch is, in effect, in accounting limbo. However, valuation reporting of un-invoiced dispatches is provided.

Quotation date

Date of quotation. {SOHFILE.SOHDAQO date date1980}

This is normally the date you create the Quotation. However, you can freely change the date while the document remains a quotation.

Quotation validity

Quotation validity date. {SOHFILE.SOHQVAD date date1980}

This is normally the calculated from the quotation date plus the default quotation validity days entered in the Company Details. However, after modification of the quotation date you can freely change the validity date while the document remains a Quotation. This date value appears on quotation documents but is most useful in a Workgroup Check.

Order date

Date order entered into the system. {SOHFILE.SOHDATE date date1980}

This is the date automatically recorded by the system when a Quotation is confirmed as a Sales Order.

Payment days

Payment-due days (normal calendar). {SOHFILE.SOHPDAY number 0dpShortnum}

The normal calendar days the customer is given to pay the invoice for a dispatch. The default payment days are those for the customer, or if the customer field is zero, the days in the System Manager Company Details are applied. However, the value can be edited to provide for unique terms for a specific order.

NOTE: You can enter a negative payment day. This has special significance. If you set it to -1 the system will force the due date on an invoice to be the same as the invoice date itself. If you set it less than -1, say to -NN, the payment date will be set to NN-1 days from the invoice date. These rules operate in days only and are regardless of the default payment policy (from Invoice, Month-End or Period-End) or Days/Months set in the Company Details Maintenance window. This allows you to override the normal system’s operation of payment dates for special customer payment term conditions. For instance, it may be that your normal terms of business are ‘One Month from End of Month’ but for some special customers you want payment on invoice and others a number of days from invoice.

Quick pay %

Quick-payment discount %. {SOHFILE.SOHQPDI number 2dpShortnum},

This is a special discount that applies to any dispatch but only if the customer pays against the invoice in advance of the date of dispatch plus the payment days. The default discount is that set for the customer however, the value can be edited to provide for unique terms for a specific order.

Quick-pay days

Quick-payment days (or months) which will be used to generate invoice quick-payment date. {SOHFILE.SOHQPDA number 0dpShortnum}


Currency code. {SOHFILE.SOHCUR char 3}

WARNING: Mixed currencies on accounts which do not have the local currency as their default currency is NOT recommended. Future reviews and statements can only be normalised to the default foreign currency values with reference to the current exchange rate rather than that which applied at the time of the transaction. If multi-currency transactions are expected the default currency for the account should be the local currency. You can force the currency to the default currency of the customer using the optAcNoMixedCur system option. This will disable the edit of the currency for customers with foreign default currencies.

Exchange Rate

Currency rate at the time of creation of order. {SOHFILE.SOHRATE number float}

The currency exchange rate is applied to the Sales Order at the time of creation or the currency change. If the exchange rate subsequently changes, any Sales Orders only reflect this after a currency re-valuation operation. Subsequent invoicing and history after dispatches retain the SO’s exchange rate. For local currency orders the exchange rate is 1.000000.


Sales Order Prepayment. {SOHFILE.SOHPREP number 2dp}

Credit available

Indicates the total credit available to this customer at the current time. Calculated from the credit limit and the customer’s current account balance.

On order value

Current on-order value (exclusive of tax) in local currency. {CUSFILE.CUSORDV number 2dp}

Payment Terms

Payment terms to customer on this order. {SOHFILE.SOHTERM char 1000}

The default payment terms are those for the customer or, if the customer field is blank, the terms in the System Manager Company Details are applied. However, the text can be edited to provide for unique terms for a specific order.

Special header text

Special trailing text. {SOHFILE.SOHTRTX char 32000}

This can be used for special instructions, for example. When the order is printed, any customer texts are printed along with this text.

Addresses tab

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Invoice Address

Shows the selected Invoice Address. Use the button to change to an alternative Invoice Address.

Right-click on this field to obtain print functions for the currently selected address and contact (default for customer, if individual address):

Graphical user interface, table

Description automatically generated

Print Standard Letter opens the Standard Letter Selection window and Print 4×4 Label opens the 4 by 4 Label Position window.

Click to view any linked external files or hold the shift key down and click to create a new file link for the record.

Delivery Address

Shows the selected Delivery Address. Use the button to change to an alternative Delivery Address. The print functions ad likewise available from the context menu.


Select these options to load the default Customer or Delivery address.


Select these options to load an alternative Customer or Delivery address.


Select these options to free type an individual Customer or Delivery address.

Change buttons

Select these buttons to create or select an alternative Customer or Delivery address to be applied to this sales order.

The Address Selection window is brought forward.

User defined field

These fields are available for any use you wish to put them. They are passed to sales history. They are not otherwise used or reported by the system and are provided for use with custom searches or reports or Ad Hoc reports. There are 4-character fields that are limited to 1, 4, 18, and 30 characters respectively. The field descriptions are set in File — System Manager — Company Details Maintenance window Descriptions tab pane.

TIP: You can selectively get the system to inherit customer record user defined field data onto Sales Orders. This is done by setting the following system option:
The option value is set to 1234, or any combination of those numbers. It will cause those Sales Order user defined fields to be inherited from the customer fields.

User field 1

User character field 1 (single character). {SOHFILE.SOHUSE1 char 1}

User field 2

User character field 2 (4 characters). {SOHFILE.SOHUSE2 char 4}

User field 3

User character field 3 (18 characters). {SOHFILE.SOHUSE3 char 18}

User field 4

User character field 4 (30 characters). {SOHFILE.SOHUSE4 char 30}

Inco terms

Incoterm code (Blank or IDXTYPE=9). {SOHFILE.SOHINCO char 4}

Incoterms are the internationally agreed method of designating trading transactions which cross national borders. They define the limits of commercial responsibility for the selling party and so clearly define the limits of cost of the delivery of the goods. In the system they are defined in File — System Manager — Index Codes. An Incoterm generally requires a parameter which is usually a place or port name. A delivery additional address Incoterm will override the customers. A Sales Order Incoterm will be copied to any resulting invoices.

Inco description

Index code, scrap reason, QA test or Incoterm description. {IDXFILE.IDXDESC char 255}

Show button

Click this button to display a list of alternatives for the field alongside the button. Double-clicking on a list line will enter the value from the list.

Inco place

Incoterm parameter (usually a named place or port). {SOHFILE.SOHINCP char 60}

Dispatch and packing details

Dispatch and packing details. {SOHFILE.SOHCOMM char 32000}

Initially the Default dispatch and packing details are loaded from the default customer address record when the customer is selected for the document. Subsequently, if an alternative delivery address is selected, that address record’s default is applied. Thereafter, you can amend the contents, but if you select another delivery address later, that address record’s default will be re-applied. This data is not printed on Quotations, Sales Orders, or Invoices (unless a custom design). They can be included on some reports and will print on the Picking List and Dispatch Note and may be reviewed at the time of a dispatch. After the Sales Order is dispatched, you can amend the Shipping and Packing details from the Print Invoice or Dispatch Note dialogue box.

Line Items Details tab

A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

Line-Item List

All line items will be listed for the Sales Order that have not been fully dispatched. Click on a line item to show and edit the full details.

TIP: While a quotation, or before saving a sales order, and with the list sorted by line number (Line column heading is bold text), you can re-number the line items by dragging a line and dropping it on a different position in the list.

TIP: In addition, if it is a Quotation and it has already been saved, the list context menu has a Renumber from 1 function that will renumber lines starting from 1. This is needed it low line numbers have been deleted.

Lines and weight

The number of Sales Order line items due for dispatch and the total of part item mass this represents.

Balance quantity total – Without Tax

The total value for all outstanding items on the Sales Order, inclusive of discount but exclusive of tax.

Balance Quantity Total – With Tax

The total value for all outstanding items on the Sales Order, inclusive of discount and tax.

Add button

This will create a new (normally blank) record in the file. You will then be able to enter details for the record. Then confirm with an OK or abandon the New record with a Cancel.

You will be warned if a CBD Invoice has been prepared for the SO as any changes will cause inconsistencies between what your customer expects to pay and what you will expect to receive.

When entering an order item, the following rules apply:

  • The line number will be automatically generated.
  • The part description, UoM multiplier, sales UoM, price, sales account, discount rate and tax class are all entered automatically when a part number is entered. However, they may be edited using the mouse to select the desired field.
  • The part description, UoM multiplier, sales UoM and price will be brought from a Customer Part record if such a record exists for this Part and Customer. If this is the case you will not be able to edit the price, discount and UoM details unless you have security setting permission to edit the customer part record.
  • Non-part items are recorded in Sales History but not in Order Preparation History or, of course, in Stock History.
  • N type non-stock parts can be entered, however no stock history or quantity adjustments will be made. You will receive a warning, but this warning message can be suppressed with the option optSONoNTypePartWarn set to 1.
  • P type parts are considered “Exploded kits” when used in a Sales Order. In the SO, picking list, dispatch note and in all review listings they are shown exploded into components. Multi-level kits are permitted with no restrictions. A kit can only have a UoM multiplier of 1, and the ordered quantity must be in whole units. Once a P type part is in a Sales Order it’s BoM cannot be altered, nor can the part type be changed.
  • The part’s standard and special sales texts, engineering data and associated product serial numbers are appended to the description on the Quotation, Sales Order, Dispatch Note and optionally the resulting Invoice.
  • If you are adding items to a Quotation, no changes are made to the Due to Sales Orders part record value and no change is made to the customer’s On-order value.
  • If you convert a Quotation to an Order, or as you add or change items on an Order, adjustments are made to the Due to Sales Orders part record value and to the customer’s On-order value. For parts, order preparation history is recorded in the Stock History file. For P type Exploded Kits, processing is carried out for components, not the kit part number.

NOTE: Prices from Customer Part records always take precedence over part master prices. If the Customer Part record is for a foreign currency, the Sales Order must be for that currency for the part to be added successfully.

NOTE: System Manager System Preferences control the recording of history, including restricting the Order Preparation History.

TIP: If at any time you believe the Customer On-order value or Part’s Due to SO quantity are out of step with Sales Orders, these values can be re-calculated automatically in the “System Manager” “Reset Data File…” function. In the case of parts, you can review the source of the quantity with the “Stock History” “Processing Analysis” function.

CUSTOM CAPABILITY: oCustom1.$SolEntryPartCheck() enables you to set up a custom method for part verification. For example, you may wish to prohibit the sale of parts with particular Index Codes or from certain store locations.

CUSTOM CAPABILITY: The oCustom1.$SolptnoFinal() method enables you to carry out processing after part entry. In addition oCustom1.$AfterItemAddedToSo() enables you to set up a custom method in advance of the editing process. For example, you may wish to set up some special account code relating to the Part-Customer combination rather than the part alone.

Copy button

This will create a Copy of the current record displayed on the window. You will then be able to change the details. Confirm with an OK or abandon the new record with a Cancel.

Delete button

Execute this button to permanently remove the currently selected record from the file. If you are permitted to delete the item, you will be asked for confirmation, otherwise an explanation will be given.

Import button

To import the sales order line from the ImportTemplate.csv file.

Open Template

Click this text to open the ImportTemplate.csv file where you can add Sales Order lines, once saved you can import them into this order with the Import button.

Note: the headers must not be deleted from within the csv file.

With a suitable record selected, click to view any linked external files. Hold the shift key down and click to create a new file link for the record.

Item Details Tab

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Line-Item number

The line-item number, from 1 to 999, is automatically generated for each sales item, a deleted line number is not re-used unless there are no higher line-item numbers.

Part number

Part number. {SOLFILE.SOLPTNO char 18}

The part number on order which must be a pre-defined part in the Parts section, or blank if not an inventory part. N type non-stock parts can be used, and are useful for standard delivery charges, services, etc.; no part quantities are affected, or stock history made for non-stock parts. A partial part number can be entered, whereupon the nearest matching part record is located by the system. The ScratchPad can be used to drag and drop a selection of parts onto the Line-Item List.

TIP: You can setup the optSONoEngChange option in Settings Maintenance. If the value is 1, users will be prevented from adding a part which has Engineering-in-Progress set, rather than just being given a warning.

With a suitable record selected, click to view any linked external files. Hold the shift key down and click to create a new file link for the record.

Part type

Part type (A,B,M,N,O,P). {PTMFILE.PTMTYPE char 1}

Part description

Item description. {SOLFILE.SOLDESC char 32000}

If a valid part number is added the part description is provided here. It can be edited if needed. The description field must be used for non-part items such as services.

NOTE: You can apply parts individual texts to Sales Orders in an alternative manner. If you set option optSODefaultIndivText to ‘1’, ‘Y’, ‘Yes’ or ‘YES’, the Part Individual Text will form a default description for the part rather than an additional text. I.E. In a Sales Order, when optSODefaultIndivText is set to ‘1’, the line-item description will default to the individual sales text for the part (if there are no relevant Customer Part record). Whenever this option is set, the Individual Sales Texts for parts will NOT be printed on the Sales Order, as they are when not set.

NOTE: If user option optSODisableSoldesc = 1 or YES, the line item description entry field to be permanently disabled for the user (to force use of a custom text configurator, for example).

Order quantity

Quantity in Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLSQTY number 3dp}

Quantity in Sales Units of Measure ordered which defaults to 1.000. If you change the quantity, the Balance due will also change. If you reduce the quantity such that the Balance due becomes zero, the line item will be deleted.

There is a System Manager System Preferences setting that controls whether a warning is given if the ordered quantity will result in the projected stock quantity dropping below minimum level were the dispatch be made immediately. If the Warn user during normal SO item entry of low part stock is checked, you will receive warnings. The following rules will apply:

  • If it is a non-part item, no message will occur.
  • The system calculates part projected quantity as the Physical quantity minus Allocated to WO quantity minus Due to SO quantity minus the line item entered quantity (or increased quantity if editing). Note that it does NOT consider any Due from P/WO quantity. For example, the part has a physical of 20, an Allocated to WO of 4, a Due to SO of 6 and new order quantity of 3; the projected will be 20-4-6-3=7.
  • If the part has a Planning Alias and the projected quantity for the part is less than the part Minimum stock quantity, the projected quantity becomes the previous projected quantity less the part’s minimum quantity. The position of the Alias Part is then considered with this quantity in mind. In the above example, where the part has a Minimum stock of 8 and it has an Alias, the projected stock will become 7-8=-1 and the condition of the Alias will be reviewed with respect to an equivalent order quantity of 1.
  • If the part is not a P type Exploded kit, you will receive a message if the projected quantity is less than the Minimum Stock.
  • If the part is a P type Exploded kit, the system will analyse the status of all components for the kit, with respect to the projected assembly’s quantity requirements times the Bill of Material quantities of components and their respective projected quantity status. If there are any shortages predicted from the analysis, a list of them will be presented in the Sales Order Kit Items with Suspect Availability window.

NOTE: These warnings are based on an as-of-now projection of quantities. It does not provide you with any view of when parts could be supplied within your production plan. For a much better analysis, use the “Review Part Available-to-Sell” function.

CUSTOM CAPABILITY: oCustom1.$SolsqtyCheck() can be used to process your own quantity validation or messaging system. Within it, if you set the flag false (Calculate #F as 0) the normal processing will be by-passed.

Show Extra Text

To show the extra texts associated with a part. You will be able to change these texts.

This button will, if a part is selected, open the Part Sales Texts window in which the part’s extra sales texts can be viewed and amended. Both individual and standard sales texts are shown. These texts are inserted in the printed Sales Order following the item line for the part.

NOTE: If you hold the Shift key down when clicking on the button, you will open the Part Works Texts window rather than the Sales Text window.

Configure New Part

To add a line item with a newly configured assembly part. This can only be activated with a saved document.

This button only has any function if the Parent Number prefix in SO Configuration has a non-blank value. Sales Item Configuration options are set up in File — System Manager — Sales Item Configuration.

Given that you have an appropriate setup in the System Manager section, you can create new assemblies with associated Bills of Material and Process Routes directly using this feature.

It will open the Sales Order Item Configuration window and the Select Like-Part for Components Listing window to select a Like-Part for the configuration.

Scratchpad icon

Click to open the parts scratchpad. You can double click from the sales order line to add to scratchpad.


Sales UoM for the item. {SOLFILE.SOLSAUM char 6}


Item reference. {SOLFILE.SOLUSER char 15 Idx} Added line items inherit the last code you entered.

TIP: This reference can be used to individually code line items. It is subsequently passed to sales history. It can be used in searches and report sorts for both orders and history analysis.

Part Maintenance button

To open the parts maintenance with the selected parts pre-loaded.

Custom Parts Details button

To open the Customer Parts Maintenance window.

NOTE: If no part line is selected, a list of all customer parts for the order customer will be listed. Double-clicking on a subsequent part will add it to the Parts Scratchpad that can be used to drag and drop it back onto the order. This technique can be used before any items have been added to the order.

Dispatch due

Dispatch date for the quantity. {SOLFILE.SOLDATE date date1980}

The date of planned dispatch for the item. If multiple deliveries of an item are planned, multiple item lines with different delivery due dates must be created. For a new Sales Order or Quotation, the default date is the next make calendar active date. After entry of one item, default date for further items is that set for the first line item.

NOTE: You can control the initial default Dispatch Due Date when the user enters the first line item for a Sales Order. Condition A: If option optSODueDateDays = 0 or blank, the SO Due Date is the next make day to today. Condition B: If option optSODueDateDays = 1 or -N, the SO Due Date will be the current make day (or next if today is not a make day). Condition C: If option optSODueDateDays = N where it is > 1, the SO Due Date will be N make days beyond the current make day (or next if today is not a make day). If the Make Calendar does not extend sufficiently for condition C, condition B will apply.

NOTE: If option optSOPromoPriceWarn = 1 or YES, the user gets a warning if the customer part, or part if there is none, is set for promotional pricing and the dispatch date is not within a promotion range.

TIP: Besides individually setting the due date of line items, there is a way to set all line items in one go to a particular date or even a date calculated in a custom algorithm. In this case all the above restriction and price calculations are by-passed. This is the process:
Right-click on the date field.
Select Date Calculator or choose that from the ScratchPad main menu.
Calculate a date so it appears in the calculator result (below the Today button).
Click on that result date and drag-and-drop it onto the list of job line items.

CUSTOM CAPABILITY: The above date drag-and-drop can be intercepted by oCustom1.$SolDateDrop method which takes the date, document header row and item list as parameters. You could devise a sophisticated re-dating algorithm here to bypass the default behaviour of the drag-and-drop mechanism. There are other possible uses this feature could be put to.

Originally required

Customer originally requested receipt date. {SOLFILE.SOLDATO date date1980}

Latest expected

Latest expected customer receipt date. {SOLFILE.SOLDATX date date1980}

List price

Price before discount per Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLPRIC number 2dp}

The default is the Sales Price from the part’s master record for the part times the Sales UoM Multiplier. It can then be edited. If the order is for a foreign currency, the exchange rate for the SO will be applied. However, if the currency is one of the five sales price currencies set in the File — System Manager — Company Details, and the part has a currency price, this price will then be applied.

CUSTOM CAPABILITY: oCustom1.$AfterSoAutoPriceCalc method provides for interception of the automatic part price calculation for situations where complex customised pricing may be needed.

Commission agents

Sales Order Line Items. Commission agents applicable to this line item (comma separated list of COMIDs). {SOLFILE.SOLCOMA char 100}. The agents applied by default are the agents listed for the customer or additional dispatch address, if applied, filtered by the commission class of the part or non-part class set in company details. The resulting default commission agents comma-separated list can be modified, however on leaving the field the system checks that codes are valid, sorts the list and removes any duplicates.

NOTE: For more details of the commissioning agents system within the program see the Commissioned Sales Agents Maintenance window and the Sales Commissions Review window topics.

Pricing Details Tab

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

List sales price – UK£ per sale UoM

Price before discount per Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLPRIC number 2dp}

List sales price – UK£ value of order

The total value for the line item quantity, exclusive of discount and tax.

List sales price – With QP discount

Quick payment discount value if applied.

List sales price – With QP discount

Discount % applied to the item price. {SOLFILE.SOLDISC number 2dpShortnum}

The default discount is the customer’s discount rate applying for this part’s discount class. The discount rate can then be edited within a range from 0.00 to 99.99%.

Discount & net price– UK£ per sale UoM

The discounted sales price before tax per sales unit of measure.

Discount & net price – UK£ value of order

The discounted value for the entire Sales Order line item, exclusive of tax.

Discount & net price – With QP discount

The discounted sales price before tax per sales unit of measure and including quick payment discount if applied.

Discount & net value – With QP discount

The discounted value for the entire Sales Order line item, exclusive of tax and including quick payment discount if applied.

With net tax

Tax % applied. {SOLFILE.SOLTAX number 2dp}

With net tax – UK£ per sale UoM

The sales price per sales unit of measure, inclusive of discount and tax.

With net tax – UK£ value of order

The total value for the Sales Order line item, inclusive of discount and tax.

With net tax – With QP discount

The sales price per sales unit of measure, inclusive of discount and tax and including quick payment discount if applied.

With net tax – With QP discount

The total value for the Sales Order line item, inclusive of discount and tax and including quick payment discount if applied.

Tax Regime

Tax regime code applicable. {SOLFILE.SOLTAMC char 6} and Tax class applicable. {SOLFILE.SOLTAXC char 1} See the Tax Maintenance window for full details of the tax handling system.

The default regime is provided from the customer or the additional dispatch addresses, if applied. The default class comes from the part or default sale’s non-part setting in the company details.

Tax Class

Tax code applicable. {SOLFILE.SOLTAXC integer shortint}

The tax rate and amount applicable for this part is automatically calculated from the System Manager control value assigned to the tax class. The tax class can be 0 through 6. A zero class is always zero tax. The default class is drawn from the part’s master record or set to 1 if a non-part item. The default is always zero if there is an Additional Address for the order which has the Zero tax rate default option checked, or where there is no additional address, and the Customer has the Zero tax rate default option checked. The tax percent rate is saved with the line-item record but cannot be edited. It remains in force until invoicing when it is updated to reflect any changes in the “System Manager” settings. This provides for tax rate changes that are always applicable at the date of dispatch and invoice.

WARNING: Line-item tax class defaults using the rules above at the time it is created. After changing the Additional Address to one with a different option setting you may find that the default tax class will change. If you do change the status of any of the defaults, existing line items are NOT reset.

Icon Guide

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Additional tab

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Stock UoM

Standard stock unit of measure. {PTMFILE.PTMSTUM char 6}

Sales UoM

Sales UoM for the item. {SOLFILE.SOLSAUM char 6}

By default, this is obtained from the part’s master record. It can be optionally changed but if the Stock UoM and Sales UoM texts are syntactically the same the multiplier will default to 1.0000.


Multiplier of Stock UoM to get Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLMULT number 4dp}

By default, this is obtained from the part’s master record. It can be optionally changed.

Sales account

G/L sales posting account code. {SOLFILE.SOLACCO char 10}

This field is of particular interest when your program license includes the Ledgers option. It provides for a selection of a sales type General Ledger account for the posting of the sale item at the time of dispatch and invoicing. It defaults to the account for the part or the default account for non-part sales. If no account is entered the default part account will be used. If you hold the shift key down when passing out of the account code box, the system will accept a non-Sales type G/L account, otherwise only a ‘S’ type account will be permitted. If you don’t have ledgers, this field can be used for any extra coding needs you may have.

Delivery terms

Quotation delivery terms. {SOLFILE.SOLDELI char 300}

Note: Normally the Delivery Terms can only be modified while the document is a quotation. If you set option optSOEditDeli to ‘1’, this field will remain editable after the quotation has been confirmed into a Sales Order.

Balance due

Balance quantity due in Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLBAL number 3dp}

This quantity field is automatically maintained to accommodate multiple dispatches. If you change the order quantity, this value will also change.


The mass of the balance due quantity of the selected part item.

Bonded quantity

Bonded quantity in Sales UoM. {SOLFILE.SOLBOND number 3dp}

This is a calculated value that shows the quantity of the item placed in bond pending dispatch to the customer. Bonded items are removed from inventory (physical) but not yet dispatched, and therefore invoiced, to the customer.

Shipping Load

Shipping load reference (from MCNLOAD sequence). {SOLFILE.SOLLOAD char 6}

This identifies whether the line item has been assigned to a Shipping Load. If blank, it is not assigned. For more details on the Shipping Load system see the Sales Order Shipping Load Assignment window.

Last dispatch

Last dispatch date for split deliveries. {SOLFILE.SOLLASD date date1980}

This date field is automatically updated when an incomplete dispatch occurs.

Ignore as MRP demand

Ignore as MRP demand. {SOLFILE.SOLMRP boolean}

A part can have the Default SO items to be ignored in MRP demand attribute set. This will pass to this SO item attribute when a part is loaded. This characteristic can then the changed in Sales Order line-item maintenance. You can use this attribute to eliminate certain products or product groups from control by Materials Requirement Planning. However, you should bear in mind that if the part is an assembly, MRP will not schedule any requirements for it. The consequences of this must be understood in advance as they could be somewhat damaging to your supply situation.

Mkt. project

Marketing project code, default from SOHMKTP (IDXID = con(‘0’,SOLMKTP)). {SOLFILE.SOLMKTP char 4 Idx} See the Marketing Data Maintenance window help for more details of Marketing Project codes and their use.

Mkt. project description

Index code, scrap reason, QA test or Incoterm description. {IDXFILE.IDXDESC char 255}

Show button

Lists the available marketing codes set up the File — System Manager — Index Codes. Double-click on a listed code to enter that value.

Planning Tab

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Current Quantities field

Physical quantity

This is the part’s current inventory physical quantity. This does not include any quarantined stock, sales order bonded quantity or parts issued to Jobs. It is the quantity available in stock.

Alloc. To WOs

The quantity allocated to works orders. This does not include quantity that is to be used on backflushed work orders.

Due to SOs/Jobs

The quantity subject to confirmed Sales Orders and Jobs. Phantom type parts are not shown but kit items are.

Due from W/POs

The quantity due from work and purchase orders.

Projected stock

The projected stock quantity based on the physical, less allocated to WOs, less due to SOs and Jobs, plus any due from WOs or POs.

Kitted in WIP

The quantity kitted to incomplete Work Orders. This does not include backflushed order kits and indicates only what is in normal work order WIP.

Last Change

This is the last modified date and time of quantity values for the part.

MRP results

Click to open the MRP Results listing for the part.

Click to view any linked external files. Hold the shift key down and click to link a new file link for this record.

Drill Down icon

Double click on data to drill down to details

Period Usage fields

Defined period usages and the total part usage quantity for all three periods.

Dispatch or Cash Order tab

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Completing this section enables you to process, dispatch, invoice, and log payment for this order in one operation.

A Dispatch Sales Order is a Sales Order that is instantly dispatched. It will never exist as a normal Sales Order, it will only ever occur as Sales History. A Cash Sales Order is a Sales Order that is fully, partially or overpaid for when the order is placed. You can also have a Dispatch and Cash Sales Order, where dispatch and some payment occur at the time of order.

None of these processes are, in themselves unique within Caliach Vision. Dispatch or Cash Sales Order processing can be carried out using the discrete functions provided elsewhere in the program. However, the entire process can be carried out at one time from within the Sales Order Maintenance window. This is primarily intended for dealing with ad-hoc sales when goods are sold at the factory.

This processing can include:

Printing the Sales Order.

Printing a Dispatch Note (Only if a Dispatch Order).

Recording the dispatch of the goods (Only if a Dispatch Order).

Recording a payment for the sale (Only if a Cash Order).

Printing an Invoice (Only if a Dispatch Order).

If it is a Cash Sale, you must finally enter the amount the customer is paying. This can be more or less than the total SO value – the customer account will be adjusted accordingly. For users of the Ledger system, transactions will, if amounts permit, be automatically marked as cleared. Payment transactions are given the Document Reference of “CA-NNNNNN”, where NN..NN is the Invoice Number.

Payment field

Payment account

The General Ledger bank account that payment is being made into for a cash sale.

Customer cash payment

If the cash sale option has been checked, enter the amount the customer has paid. Any balance due will be held against the customer account if credit is available.

Balance put to account

Balance that will be posted against the customer’s account.

Process Order Now field

Sales options

Dispatch all items now

Check for a direct dispatch. When processed, all line items will be removed from inventory and an Invoice prepared in the same way as an ordinary SO is dispatched.

Cash sales

Check if the customer account is being credited for the sale. When processed, the appropriate account transactions are made.

Sales Order

To print a Sales Order Acknowledgement when the order is processed.

Explode kit items

To show kit items as well as the kit on the printed Sales Order Acknowledgement or Quotation.

Picking List

To print a Sales Order Picking List when the order is processed.

Dispatch Note

To print a Dispatch Note when the order is processed. (Only if the direct dispatch is checked).


To print a Invoice when the order is processed. (Only if the direct dispatch option is checked).

Process Order Now button

Having prepared the SO, process using this button. All processing will be carried out at one time and documents will be printed.


Revert to Saved

To revert any changes to the previously saved version.

Save as Shown

To save the changes you have made to the data file.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00. Help data last modified 22 June 2022

Class wSoMaint last modified 25 May 2022

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