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Sales Order: Sales Order Listing for a Part or Customer

Sales Order Listing for a Part or Customer

Sales Order Listing for a Part or Customer

This window opens when you drill-down to a customers on-order value or a part Due to SO/Jobs value. It enables you to select a document to view.



Customer Code

Customers. Unique customer identification code. {CUSFILE.CUSCODE char 6}

Company Name

Customers. Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}

Part Number

Parts Master. Part number unique identifier. {PTMFILE.PTMPTNO char 18}

Part Description

Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30}

Document List

All purchase orders and request for quotations for the supplier or part shown above. Double-Click to select an order to view in the Sales Order or Quotation Details window.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 8 May 2012 06:21:00.00. Class wSohList last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:51:09.

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