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Stock History: Stock History List

Stock History List

Stock History List

This window is a general purpose listing of inventory history, opened in the course of drill-down. It is also used as a subwindow in the Stock History Listing window.

See the Inventory History Menu for details of movement types.



Movement List

Lists inventory movements for the selected part held on file. The Physical is the calculated quantity before the movement. Negative movement is outgoing stock. Double-click multi-location icon to view location and batch list for movement. This will open the Movement Locations and Batches window which will remain interactive with your list line selection.

Only Real

This option will remove such transactions as part allocations, order preparation, and other non-real movements.

Month To Date Qty

The calculated month-to-date usage from the list.

Quarter To Date Qty

The calculated quarter-to-date usage from the list.

Year To Date Qty

The calculated year-to-date usage from the list.



Print List

To print a report of inventory movements in the list. Right-click to select a report destination.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 5 Feb 2004 15:32:00.00. Class wSthListSub last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:52.

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