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Company Details Maintenance – Descriptions


The Descriptions tab allows you to change the name of your sales discount and user defined field descriptions. These allow entry of discounts in the financials tab in the customer maintenance window.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

File Path

File > System Manager > Company Details…

This file path takes you to the Company Details Maintenance window. Select the Descriptions tab.

Sales Discount Description

Each part is assigned a discount class of 0 to 20 (1 is default). Each customer is assigned discount rates for each class (other than 0 which is taken to be zero discount rate). When sales orders are prepared the appropriate discount for the part to that customer is applied by default, plus any additional discount.

To assign a descriptive name for each class, highlight the txt in the editable box next to the appropriate Class number and type in the name you would like to enter. Repeat this step for each class as required. Once you have completed this the Revert to Saved and Save changes buttons will become active. Select save.

The information you enter in the sales discount descriptions change the name of the discount class you select in you Parts Maintenance window in the selling tab.

Renaming the User Defined Descriptions

In each section, highlight the txt in the editable box next to the appropriate description number, then enter in the name you would like to use. Repeat this step for each field as appropriate for each type. Once you have done this the Revert to Saved and Save changes boxes will become active. Select save.

The information you enter into the user defined field descriptions will change the name of the user defined fields in your parts maintenance window in the ‘others’ tab.


Sales Discount Descriptions

Each Part is assigned a discount class of 0 to 20 (1 is default). Each customer is assigned discount rates for each class (other than 0 which is taken to be zero discount rate). When Sales orders are prepared the appropriate discount for the Part to that Customer is then applied by default, plus any quantity additional discount. The 20 non-zero discount classes can be assigned descriptive text as an ‘aide memoir’ during window entry. 15 characters are permitted for each descriptor.

User Defined Field Descriptions

Parts, Customers, Suppliers, Jobs and Estimates, Sales orders and Quotations, Purchase Orders and RFQs, and Work Orders have 4 user defined fields. Field 1 is a single character, 2 is 4 characters, 3 is 18 characters and 4 is 30 characters. You can enter here a description for each of these fields and this description will be reproduced on windows that display the fields. These fields are provided typically for custom search and/or reporting requirements and are not otherwise processed by the system.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00. Help date last modified on 15 June 21

Class wMcdEdit (Company Details Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Company Details…

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