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Ledgers Manager: – Accounts Manager Menu

– Accounts Manager Menu

Accounts Manager Menu

The Ledger Manager Menu provides central controls for the accounting system and special functions that only the accounting manager should have access to.




Control Settings

Provides for mandatory settings and control options for the accounting system. See the Account Manager Controls Maintenance topic.


Period Calendar

Maintenance of the accounting calendar, a list of period-end dates. See the Ledgers Period Calendar Maintenance topic.


Cost Centres

To maintain general ledger cost centres. See the General Ledger Cost Centre Maintenance topic.


Report Layouts

To set up and change the design of the balance sheet and profit and loss account report layouts. See the General Ledger Report Structure Maintenance topic.


Custom Report Designs

To maintain custom G/L report designs. See the G/L Custom Report Design Maintenance topic.


Audit Trail

Provides access to account transaction history of the Ledgers system. It can be used for auditing purposes. See the Audit Trail of Transactions topic.


Change Transaction Period

To carry out movements of groups of transactions from one period to another. See the Change Transaction Period topic.


Subsidiary Export

To export subsidiary business account results so they can be imported into a consolidated accounts data file. See the Account Consolidation – Export Subsidiary Results topic.


Subsidiary Consolidation

To import subsidiary business account results into a consolidated accounts data file and maintain account mappings. See the Account Consolidation – Set Currency Conversions topic.


Month Period-End

To carry out period-end routines on individual ledgers. You will only be able to enter this function if you have passed a period-end as set in the Ledgers calendar. See the Month-End Processing topic.


Year Period-End

Provides the ability to confirm to the system that the year end has occurred and reset the year-to-date values in General Ledger accounts. See the Ledgers Year-End Processing topic.


Non-balancing Transactions

To enter a transaction that does not have an associated contra-transaction. By selecting this function, you will have to ‘un-lock’ the ledgers. To ‘lock’ them, the General Ledger must balance. See the Non-balancing Transactions topic.


Special Data Transfers

Provides for export and import of General Ledger structure and settings and the export of any ledger account transactions. See the Special Ledger Data Transfers topic.


Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class mAcManager last modified 16 Apr 2012 05:29:48.

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