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  4. Ledgers Sales or Accounts Receivable: Invoice and Credit Note Change and Create

Ledgers Sales or Accounts Receivable: Invoice and Credit Note Change and Create

Invoice and Credit Note Change and Create

The window contains three tab panes. The same window is used to create a new non-dispatch invoice or credit note or to amend an existing document.

Warning WARNING: You can only amend documents that have been created in the current Accounts Receivable accounting period.

The parameters available for a non-dispatch Invoice are normally provided on the Sales Order or Job when an invoice is created at the time of a SO dispatch or Job Invoicing. You can enter a customer reference, additional reference, a payment due date, amend the default payment terms for the customer, set a foreign currency and select an alternative invoice and/or delivery address. When you are happy with the parameters, use the Save button.

Warning WARNING: All items are created as sales history records and therefore it is assumed they are dispatched to the customer.



Invoice number

Invoices. Invoice number. {INVFILE.INVNO char 6} This is either an Invoice, Credit Note, CBD Invoice or blank when Not Invoiced.

Customer code

Customers. Unique customer identification code. {CUSFILE.CUSCODE char 6}

Customer name

Customers. Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}



Select Document

To select another document for changing. You will be asked to select an invoice in the Invoice or Credit Note Selection window.

Revert to Saved

To revert any changes to the previously saved version.

Save as Shown

To save the changes you have made to the data file.

When an Invoice

Transaction process

Sales Invoice

Type 010 or 011


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to A/R customer a/c


Net amount only

to G/L sales a/c


Tax amount only

to G/L tax control a/c(s)


Discount amount only

to G/L discount control a/c


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to G/L debtors control a/c

If your Ledgers Manager has checked the Do not use checkbox beside the Discount control account then the transaction postings for the Invoice will not separate out the discount amount.

Transaction process

Sales Invoice (Alt.)

Type 010 or 011


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to A/R customer a/c


Gross-Disc amount

to G/L sales a/c


Tax amount only

to G/L tax control a/c(s)


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to G/L debtors control a/c

When an Credit Note

Transaction process

Sales Credits

Type 012 or 013


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to A/R customer a/c


Net amount only

to G/L sales a/c


Tax amount only

to G/L tax control a/c(s)


Discount amount only

to G/L discount control a/c


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to G/L debtors control a/c

If your Ledgers Manager has checked the Do not use checkbox beside the Discount control account then the transaction postings for the Invoice will not separate out the discount amount.

Transaction process

Sales Credits (Alt.)

Type 012 or 013


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to A/R customer a/c


Net-Disc amount

to G/L sales a/c


Tax amount only

to G/L tax control a/c(s)


Net-Disc+Tax amount

to G/L debtors control a/c

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: Option optAcCreditsAutoClear, if Set to 1 or Yes, will prevent the Credit Note transactions in the Accounts Receivable ledger from being automatically cleared. If you set this option, all Credits to the A/R will have to be cleared manually. See Program Options Listing topic.

The window has 3 tab panes.

Document General 
Line Items 

Document General

Invoice and Credit Note Change and Create - Document General pane

General details of the document.



Invoice date

Invoices. Date creation date. {INVFILE.INVDATE date date1980}


Invoices. Invoice printed (True when printed). {INVFILE.INVPRIN boolean}

Sales Order

Invoices. Source document depending on source type (SO number, code or Job number). {INVFILE.INVSONO char 6}

Dispatch Note

Invoices. Dispatch Note number. {INVFILE.INVDESP char 6}

Customer reference

Sales History. Customer order reference. {SAHFILE.SAHCREF char 20}

Additional reference

Sales History. Additional user reference. {SAHFILE.SAHAREF char 6}

Header text

Invoices. SO header text. {INVFILE.INVTRTX char 32000}

Packing or comments

Invoices. Dispatch or Packing instructions from SOHCOMM. {INVFILE.INVPACK char 32000}


Invoices. Currency symbol code. {INVFILE.INVCUR char 3}

Warning WARNING: Mixed currencies on accounts which do not have the local currency as their default currency is NOT recommended. Future reviews and statements can only be normalised to the default foreign currency values with reference to the current exchange rate rather than that which applied at the time of the transaction. If multi-currency transactions are expected the default currency for the account should be the local currency. You can force the currency to the default currency of the customer using the optAcNoMixedCur system option. This will disable the edit of the currency for customers with foreign default currencies.

Exchange rate

Invoices. Currency rate applicable when issued. {INVFILE.INVRATE number float}


Invoices. Currency adjustment applied to ledgers flag. {INVFILE.INVCUAP boolean}

Value pre-tax

Invoices. Invoice pre-tax value. {INVFILE.INVVALU number 2dp}


Invoices. Invoice pre-tax value. {INVFILE.INVVALU number 2dp}

Amount paid

Invoices. Invoice amount paid. {INVFILE.INVPAY number 2dp}


Invoices. Invoice paid (True=paid). {INVFILE.INVPAID boolean}

Quick payment %

Invoices. Quick payment discount percent. {INVFILE.INVQPDI number 2dpShortnum}

Quick payment date

Invoices. Quick-payment date after which the discount is not available. {INVFILE.INVQPDT date date1980}


Invoices. Quick payment discount received on payment flag. {INVFILE.INVQPAP boolean}

Payment due date

Invoices. Payment due date. {INVFILE.INVDUED date date1980}


Invoices. Incoterm code (Blank or IDXTYPE=9). {INVFILE.INVINCO char 4}

Incoterms are the internationally agreed method of designating trading transactions which cross national borders. They define the limits of commercial responsibility for the selling party and so clearly define the limits of cost of the delivery of the goods. In the system they are defined in File — System Manager — Index Codes. An Incoterm generally requires a parameter which is usually a place or port name. A Sales Order or Job Incoterm will be copied to any resulting invoices.

Incoterm Place

Invoices. Incoterm parameter (usually a named place or port). {INVFILE.INVINCP char 60}

Payment terms

Invoices. Payment terms. {INVFILE.INVTERM char 1000}

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Invoice and Credit Note Change and Create - Addresses pane

Invoice and dispatch addresses.

An individual address is either or both an invoice or dispatch address that is specifically stored against the document and not stored either against the customer record or in the additional address file for the customer.



Invoice address

Contact and address that the invoice is addressed to (either default, alternative or individual).

Right-click on this field to obtain print functions for the currently selected address and contact (default for customer, if individual address):

Address and Contact additional context menu functions.

Print Standard Letter opens the Standard Letter Selection window and Print 4×4 Label opens the 4 by 4 Label Position window.

Default customer address

This sets the address to the customers default address.

Alternative address

Clicking on this option when it is not already selected (or clicking Change if it is), opens the Address Selection window so that an address and/or contact can be selected.

Individual address

Clicking on this option when it is not already selected (or clicking Change if it is), will set the address field to edit mode so that a unique address can be entered.


To create or select an alternative Invoice Address that would be applied to this document.

Delivery address

Contact and address that it was dispatched to (either default, alternative or individual). The print functions and likewise available from the context menu.

Default customer address

This sets the address to the customers default address.

Alternative address

Clicking on this option when it is not already selected (or clicking Change if it is), opens the Address Selection window so that an address and/or contact can be selected.

Individual address

Clicking on this option when it is not already selected (or clicking Change if it is), will set the address field to edit mode so that a unique address can be entered.


To create or select an alternative Delivery Address that would be applied to this document.

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Line Items

Invoice and Credit Note Change and Create - Line Items pane

Invoice line item details



Items list

List of all line items (sales history) on file for the document shown above.

Total value

The total value (without tax) for the listed items.

Total tax

The total tax for the listed items.

Total with tax

The total gross for the listed items.

Invoice line number

Sales History. Invoice Line Number (may be different from SO line number). {SAHFILE.SAHINVL number 0dpShortnum}

Part number

Sales History. Part number. {SAHFILE.SAHPTNO char 18 Idx}

Commission agents

Sales History. Commission agents posted commission for this line item (comma separated list of COMIDs). {SAHFILE.SAHCOMA char 100}

Note NOTE: For more details of the commissioning agents system within the program see the Commissioned Sales Agents Maintenance window and the Sales Commissions Review window topics.

Item description

Sales History. Item description if not a Part numbered item. {SAHFILE.SAHDESC char 32000}

Marketing project code

Sales History. Marketing project code from SOLMKTP or JOBMKTP (IDXID = con(‘0’,SAHMKTP)). {SAHFILE.SAHMKTP char 4 Idx} See the Marketing Data Maintenance window help for more details of Marketing Project codes and their use.

Marketing project description

Index and Other Codes. Index code, scrap reason, QA test or Incoterm description. {IDXFILE.IDXDESC char 255}


Lists the available marketing codes set up the File — System Manager — Index Codes. Double-click on a listed code to enter that value.

Sales account

Sales history. G/L sales posting account code. {SAHFILE.SAHACCO char 10 Idx}

Sales UoM

Sales History. Sales Unit of measure. {SAHFILE.SAHSAUM char 6}


Sales History. Quantity delivered per sales unit of measure. {SAHFILE.SAHQTY number 3dp}

List price

Sales History. Price per sales unit of measure before discount. {SAHFILE.SAHPSUM number 2dp}


Sales History. Discount percent given to customer. {SAHFILE.SAHDISC number 2dpShortnum}

Tax regime and class

Sales History. Tax regime code applied. {SAHFILE.SAHTAMC char 6} and Sales History. Sales tax class. {SAHFILE.SAHTAXC char 1}. Sales tax regime appropriate for the customer and the class appropriate to the goods being sold. Select from the dropdown lists. (See the Tax Maintenance window for details of the tax system.) By default the customer’s tax regime is applied or that of the dispatch additional address (if one is applied). The tax class applied by default is that of the part or the default sales non-part class set in the company details.

Tax rate

The current tax net rate for the entered tax regime and class.

Value without tax

The value of the selected item in the Invoice, exclusive of tax.

Tax amount

Sales History. Tax applied on dispatch quantity. {SAHFILE.SAHTAX number 2dp}

Value with tax

The value of the selected item in the Invoice, inclusive of tax.



Add Item

To add a non-part (or non-stock part) line entry to the document.

You can add items using the this button. Enter data as if you were creating a non-part sales order item. The sales account code defaults to the default non-part sales account but can be changed to any sales type G/L account. If you hold the shift key down when passing out of the account code box, the system will accept a non-Sales type G/L account, otherwise only a ‘S’ type account will be permitted.

Tip TIP: You can create Tax-Only Invoice or Credit Note line items using the following technique: Type in the leading significant characters of the Default Sales Tax Account (as entered in Ledgers — Ledgers Manager — Control Settings and the Defaults tab pane), hold the shift key down and press the Tab key. Leave nothing in the List price and Discount boxes, enter a non-zero value in the Tax class box. After tabbing, the cursor will then move to the Tax value position, where you may enter a tax amount. This procedure is only provided for exceptional tax transactions normally confined to export trading special circumstances.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class wAcArInvChange last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:50:44.

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