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Ledgers Manager: G/L Account History Validation Testing

G/L Account History Validation Testing

G/L Account History Validation Testing

This window opens from the Audit Trail of Transactions window.

Testing of accounts data integrity is performed over the selected period range for which transactions are assumed to be available in full, by default based on the current archiving policy for the G/L.

The History Integrity Test compares the G/L account history values saved at the month-end with the transaction data that was used to generate it. If something has been changed subsequent to the month-end such that the integrity is broken, an error will be logged. Such loss of integrity may be due to data corruption or deliberate manipulation using Peek and Poke. This may be by value changes or period number changes.

The Transaction Data Test scans the transactions for the selected periods and any significant foreign currency to local currency value inconsistencies. You will be prompted for a percent deviation for foreign currency transactions above which errors are reported. The default is 5%. Deviations can be legitimate but large ones tend to be errors either caused by data damage or deliberate manipulation.

Warning WARNING: These tests can take some time to run on large databases, especially where a large period range is selected.



Period List

Period list with range selected. You can select an alternative range.

Result List

Results of the test. Right-click to print the results.



History Integrity Test

Click to run the test.

Transaction Data Test

Click to run the test.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 17 May 2012 05:32:00.00. Class wAcAuditHistoryTest last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:50:44.

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