What is New in Version 4.10
Caliach Vision V4.10 operates with Omnis Studio V5.2.2 or greater.
The following relates to changes made since V4.0000.
New Installers
Caliach have introduced a new installer from BitRock and a new resulting file structure that integrates Omnis Studio into the Caliach Vision folder structure so that just one location on your computer contains all files related to Caliach Vision operation. For Microsoft Windows Vista, Server 2008 and 7, this breaks the convention of placing executable files in the Program Files folder of the C drive and the subsequent security enforcement of UAC. However, it is our view that this breach is well worth it for the convenience and of a simple, compact, self-contained and integrated structure.
There are in all 4 installers. A full and demonstration version of each of our supported platforms, Windows and MacOSX. The Demonstration edition contains pre-licensed Caliach Vision and Omnis Studio Runtime. The Full edition contains a full set of Caliach Vision files and both Omnis Studio Runtime and Design programs with user control to include the Design program, typically only needed by the system manager. All version include our 9 additional program languages.
Unlike in the past the installer by default names the folder containing the installation with the version number, so the full version will go to C:CaliachVision-4.10. If that already exists files within it will always be overwritten. Extra files you have created such as Archive files will still remain but if you have archive or custom files from an older version, it is left to you to copy them to the new folder structure from the old one.
Summary of adjustments you may want to make to your converted data:
- -none-
Menus items that have been added are:
- File — Change Language
NOTE: The new Change Language sub-menu is not subject to privileges control.
Window Tab Panes that have been added are:
- -none-
Fields you may want to populate
- -none-
Options Added
The following options have been added. For a full listing see the Program Options Listing window topic.
Name |
Privileges |
Description |
optLocaleDefault |
T |
This teminal option is set by the Program Language sub-menu function Set the Current Language to Default. The value must be a supported Locale, e.g. en. The program will subsequently start in that language. |
Feature Enhancements
Feature enhancements up to F0513 were released in maintenance updates to V4.0000. F0514 was released in V4.1000.
F0503 to F0513 V4.00xx Maintenance Released Features
Please refer to http://www.caliach.com/caliach/support/newfeatures/f40100.xml for details on these enhancements.
F0514 Dynamic Program Language Change
One installation supports program running in any number of languages with menu control of current visible language. Language translations maintained in individual databases and string files in Extras. Help in multiple languages also dynamically supported. Omnis localisation also can change dynamically. Effects all windows, reports, menus, toolbars, tasks with non-English text substitution from database. Class descriptions and file and field descriptions also translated. New multi-lingual installer and supporting documentation. Extensive revision of Xlate plug-in functionality. For full details see the Program Language Menu topic.
Effect of Upgrade on Customisation
There are no major issues with customisation compliant with V4.00 with one minor exception:
- Customised reports will not naturally dynamically translate into non-English. However they can be made to do so with the addition of a class method named $MasterClass with a single line of code Quit method ‘<StandardClassName>’. With that any standard class translations are mapped onto the custom report when opened.
Known Issues in V4.1000 and Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1
The following issues are known to exist and may be resolved in a future release of Omnis Studio (the previous issue with Unicode characters in PDF documents has been resolved in this release:
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 HTML Control (Help Window) does not handle <br> tags correctly (ST/EC/1297), does not link to a named page reference (ST/EC/1291) or highlight words, as advertised (ST/EC/1292). It also does not resolve the ' entity (ST/HP/086) and Help Progect Manager does not interpret Unicode words and characters in words (ST/HP/085).
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 implementation of right-to-left script entry (e.g. Arabic) is problematic and subject to enhancement requests (ST/DB/790 and ST/HE/1075) so Caliach Vision’s implementation of this is pending.
- Omnis Studio V5.2..3.1 Graphs 2 does not correctly implement the $setlinearaxis method. This prevents label control of the axis (ST/GF/310 – Unresolved. Fault in chartdirector. Vendor Limitation).
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 Graphs 2 $addcustomlabel() does not have a dataSet parameter. This prevents its full use (ST/GF/328)
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 Graphs 2 $setlogscale(kG2axisX) does not work correctly. (ST/GF/328)
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 Graphs 2 $formatvalue() does not work with a non-visual Graph2 object. (ST/GF/329)
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 Graphs 2 $angularlabelson parameter can not be assigned correctly. (ST/GF/330)
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 Graphs 2 $shadow is not documented correctly. (ST/GF/331)
- Omnis Studio V5.2.3.1 Graphs 2 $slicemove() does not work with an end range. (ST/GF/332)
Caliach Vision V4.1000 Vital Statistics
Windows | 613 |
Menus | 82 |
Reports | 390 |
Files | 130 |
Toolbars | 13 |
All Classes | 1,553 |
Menu Line Functions | 764 |
Push Button Functions | 2,575 |
Library Bytes | 28,211,200 |
Library Methods | 40,313 |
Library Method Lines | 388,049 |
Literal Texts | 30,248 |
Strings | 6,200 |
Help Folders | 49 |
Help Page Files | 745 |
Help Graphic Files | 1,499 |
Help Topics | 695 |
Help Links | 6,265 |
Help English Index Words | 9,849 |
Translated languages supported | 9 |
Translation master english texts | 69,650 |
Translation language texts | 602,489 |
Ref. Book A4 Pages | 1,584 |
Ref. Book Letter Pages | 1,615 |
Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 7 Sep 2013 09:15:00.00. No class.