What is New in Version 2.10
Caliach Vision V2.10 operates with Omnis Studio V3.33 or greater.
The following relates to changes made since V2.1000.
Summary of adjustments you may want to make to your converted data
File — System Manager — Privileges and Settings
Menus items that have been added are:
- File — Ad Hoc Graphs
- File — System Manager — Sales Document Configuration
- Process — Sales Orders — Configure Quote or Sales Order
- Process — Jobs and Estimating — Configure Estimate or Job
- Print List context menu — Set List to Copy Cell Data
- Print List context menu — Copy All Lines to the Clipboard
- Print List context menu — Copy Selected Lines to the Clipboard
- Graph Functions context menu — all lines
- Search Options context menu — all lines
- Sales Document Configuration — all lines
- Special Functions — Re-Calculate Sales History Costs
Window Tab Panes that have been added are:
- Graphical Analysis
Fields you may want to populate
- File
- Field
- Field
- File
- Field
Options Added
The following options have been added. For a full listing see the Program Options Listing window topic.
Name |
Privileges |
Description |
optPartCostNoUpdate |
Sy |
If set to 1, when a part has the Prohibit auto-cost-update control on, part costs are not updated during Confirm PO Prices or Invoice Verification. |
optPOPrepDateChange |
Sy |
If set to 1, PO preparation history will be recorded for due date changes. |
optSOPrepDateChange |
Sy |
If set to 1, SO preparation history will be recorded for due date changes. |
optStockPurchRecAuto |
Sy |
If set to 1, on purchase receipt, multi-stock location parts will be auto-preassigned with preferred location existing or new batches. Does not apply if optStockFirmAlloc=1. |
optWOBackYieldScrap |
Sy |
When this is set to 1, during the backflush of a WO the system defaults any yield loss as scrapped so that the kit quantity accommodates yield. This is not suitable for MRP scheduled orders because MRP will schedule the yield into the WO quantity and therefore using this option will duplicate the yield losses. |
optWOHistOpCom |
Sy |
Set to 1, causes pop-up operation history comment entry for each Shopfloor or Log WO Performance entry. Set to 2, for the same in Receive WO and Backflush WO, additionally. Use optWOHistOpComment for default comment text. |
optWOHistOpComment |
Sy |
The default text for work operation history comments. Used in conjunction with the optWOHistOpCom option. The syntax <CR> is replaced by a return character for multi-line text. |
optWOHistoryEditPlan |
T, S, Sy, U |
If set to 1, the planned times in Log WO Performance can be edited or cleared. Typically useful where you have alternative route operations and do not want un-processed operations costed. |
optWOPrepDateChange |
Sy |
If set to 1, WO preparation history will be recorded for completion due date changes. |
optWOShopDefaultZero |
T, S, Sy, U |
If set to 1, in Shopfloor Work Operation Data Collection receipt quantity will default to zero rather than the available receipt quantity for the operation. |
Feature Enhancements
Feature enhancements up to F0271 were released in maintenance updates to V2.0000. F0272 onwards were released in V2.1000.
A/P and A/R statements and review now can have aged due amounts in record section (F0246)
CUSTOM CAPABILITY: All A/P and A/R statements and reviews can now have aged amounts inside the record section as well as in the total section. These are available as variables iAgedDue.C1 to iAgedDue.C4 for local currency values and iAgedDue.C5 to iAgedDue.C8 for foreign currency values.
Workflow Alert Check – parts with inadequate markup/margin (F0247)
A new Workflow Alert Check has been added that scans parts to report those where the actual margin/markup is less than the value set in auto markup/margin.
Last stock movement report option to Ignore Adjustments added (F0248)
A new option checkbox to Ignore Adjustment has been added to the Last Stock Movement report options dialog.
Data file compare function added to Data Fix Utility (F0249)
A compare data file contents of selected files function has been added to the Data Fix Utility. It is useful to identify the effects of an operation by comparing to a copy of the datafile after performing the operation.
AR AP Ledgers unallocated transactions report added (F0250)
A new report subtype (4) has been added to the Print Statements and Reports function in the A/P and A/R ledgers. This lists unallocated credits and debits on the customer or supplier accounts. Note that this uses the new Caliach Vision allocation system and therefore will list cleared credits allocated under CaliachMRP.
AR AP Ledgers interactive allocation feature (F0251)
It was not possible to partially allocate to debits in the AP and AR ledgers. This was possible under CaliachMRP. It is now possible to amend allocations interactively of selected debits before saving the allocations. This is triggered by the user holding down the shift key when clicking on the Allocate a Credit button. See Payment and Receipt for AR and AP Interactive Allocations for help.
Work Order with Fuzzy Pegging analysis report (F0252)
A new report has been added to the Process — Work Orders — Print Work Order Reports window that lists Work Orders along with fuzzy pegging results for the assembly part.
Tracing sources and destinations support for links on selected line (F0253)
The tracing window list now supports links to the selected line. This then supports direct access to links to quality documents linked to purchase or works history.
Option window to seek out file duplicates in a directory (F0254)
This is unrelated to normal Caliach Vision operations. An option window, wOptDupFileAnalysis, is available which will analyse a selected directory or disk volume and attempt to identify files contained that have duplicate names and contents regardless of the directory they are in.
Option window for firm allocation clean-up (F0255)
An option window, wOptFirmAllocClean, is available which will operate along with the use of the optStockFirmAlloc option for firm allocation of multi-location stock on receipt. The allocation option only operates at the time of inward stock movement. This window can be used to identify free stock that is unallocated because it existed when the demand was created and also allocated stock for which there is now no longer any demand. It operates interactively with the Stock Control window.
Refresh ledger transaction lists through context menu (F0256)
A Refresh List function has been added to the transaction list context menu which, when operated, will cause the list to be re-built from the datafile.
BoM and Process Route Maintenance tree Expand All function added (F0257)
A context menu has been provided for the assembly tree list in BoM and Process Route Maintenance. This menu provides duplicates of the Clear, Where-used, Select Parent functions and a new Expand All function that expands the assemblies to their lowest sub-assemblies.
Remittance Advice Notes and Cheque report re-structuring (F0258)
Remittance Advice Notes and Cheque reports have been re-structured. All reports printed from the G/L Bank Cheques window and other places that a remittance or cheque is printed have been redesigned such that they all are superclassed to a new rAcRemitSuper class containing all methods. This is both more efficient and enables more reliable and maintainable custom version designs. In addition to the line limit introduced in V2.0005 in some reports, a new transaction consolidation routine brings the detail in line with statement standards to make the document friendly. NOTE: All previously designed custom report versions need to be re-designed using the new classes.
Improvement to Firm Allocation Analysis optional window (F0259)
Additional functionality to apply firm allocation recommendations has been added.
New AP and AR local currency unallocated transactions reports (F0260)
There is now both local and default currency versions of the A/P and A/R unallocated transactions report.
New optWOBackYieldScrap option for Backflushing work orders (F0261)
A new system option optWOBackYieldScrap has been added. When this is set to 1, during the backflush of a WO the system defaults any yield loss as scrapped so that the kit quantity accommodates yield. This is not suitable for MRP scheduled orders.
Ability to copy cell data from headed lists (F0262)
Three new context menu commands for headed lists have been added. ‘Set List to Copy Cell Data’ sets a normal (un-editable) headed list into an edit mode so that the user can click-hover on a cell and then copy the contents to the clipboard. ‘Copy All Lines to the Clipboard’ copies the displayed list line data to the clipboard in tab-delimited form. ‘Copy Selected Lines to the Clipboard’ does the same thing but includes only the selected lines.
Control of number of lines per page in Trade Statistics forms (F0263)
Trade Statistics form reports VAT 101 and VAT 1501 have now been provided with controls in the report class to enable non-UK custom designs where the number of lines per first and later pages can be controlled.
Work Order fuzzy pegging report improvement (F0264)
An additional accumulated balance column has been added to the Work Order Fuzzy Pegging report.
Manual batch numbering additional unique test message (F0265)
When using manual entry batch numbering, the user could override the warning that the batch is not unique. Now, if that is the case a further test for uniqueness to the part number has been added.
Picking list added to optional firm allocation clean up window (F0266)
A picking list rOptFirmAllocWoPick has been added to the optional firm allocation clean-up window to aid store procedures.
New multi-supplier Request For Quotation report design (F0267)
New RFQ design rPurchRFQmulti has been added. With the multiple-supplier RFQ report design, a single RFQ is selected but multiple RFQs are printed, one for each supplier that has purchase part records for any of the part items in the created RFQ. This is useful if you want to get quotations from all suppliers of a part or group of parts. All RFQs printed will contain any non-part or outwork line items and the RFQ for the supplier you chose for the original document will contain all items regardless of whether there are purchase part records. This should not be used to Email or HTML report destinations.
BoM Trial Kit new option to include backflush kit load (F0268)
The BoM Trial Kit now has an option to ‘Include kits of Backflush WOs in projected’. This option affects only the Projected Shortage quantity. If set, any current Backflushed WO kits will be included in the allocated quantity when the calculation is made of projected shortage. As demand for backflushed WO kit parts are not included in the Allocated part process quantity, running a trial kit for speculative sales, for example, would tend to understate projected shortages when backflushed WOs are in the system. This option has the effect of additionally loading the allocated quantity with current backflushed WO kit demand to a single BoM level so that this understating on projected shortages is minimised. WARNING: As backflushed WOs can be backflushed multi-level, be aware that this control only adjusts demand for the single level of the immediate kit.
Drag and drop from Customer Parts and Purchased Parts maintenance (F0269)
You can now drag and drop parts from the Customer Parts Maintenance window onto a Sales Order Items list to add them to an order. This feature also applies to Jobs Maintenance and from Purchase Parts onto Purchase Order Line Items.
Dispatch Label Printing – modification to accommodate job invoices (F0270)
Dispatch Label Printing window has been enhanced to allow selection of history by Invoice number, regardless of whether a dispatch note number has been assigned. The history is the entire history for that invoice.
Print List context menu now on WO capacity planning list (F0271)
The Print List context menu is now available on the drill-down WO listing in capacity planning.
Sales Document Configuration (F0272)
You can now design Sales Document Configurations which provide a rules-based mechanism for sales quotation, order, estimate or job creation, where the user makes choices using a wizard window. The configurator supports the creation of new parts with BoMs, routes and other associated data. It also supports many user-interface field types including headed lists and subwindows which can be customised.
Ad Hoc Graphical Analysis (F0273)
Ad Hoc Graphs has been added to the file menu. This tool enables you to design a variety of graphical outputs for the analysis results from any data on the system. You can make full use of all standard data selection interfaces. In general, and as a consequence of this new feature, all user data selection interfaces (as used for reports) have been improved with a new context menu and universal ScratchPad drag-and-drop combinational search. (For example, see the updated help for the Part Selection subwindow.)
Improved report search notification (F0274)
Provide a generic search criteria text system for all standard reports and standard data selection interfaces which shows only the restrictive entries made
by the user and accommodates custom searches, ScratchPad and keyword searches.
CUSTOM CAPABILITY NOTE: Virtually all standard listing-type reports have been modified to accommodate this change. Any custom report classes copied from previous OpenVision version classes using the old verbose method of notification will still work, as before. However, they can be updated by copying the fields typically in the total section from the appropriate new report class. The new notification text is available as a single kJstExtended field with $dataname=MEMORY.m_ReportSearch.
Parts set to batch tracking auto-batch assignment (F0275)
When a part with a physical quantity is set to batch tracked in either Part Maintenance or Global Changes any multi-locations without a batch identifier will be assigned one and any float stock will have a batch location created for it automatically. Actions will have comments appended to the location record.
New optStockPurchRecAuto option to pre-allocate stock location on goods receipt (F0276)
If set to 1, on purchase receipt, multi-stock location parts will be auto-preassigned with preferred location existing or new batches. Does not apply if optStockFirmAlloc=1. Effects only the Location and Batch Assignment window operation.
New Inventory – Print Stock Location Reports function (F0277)
Provides reporting of multi-stock locations reporting of multi-stock locations with a new full-feature selection subwindow and custom report type ‘Sto’.
Additional Sales History Analysis reports for 12 months or years (F0278)
A new subtype (6) of sales history reports has been added which provides for 12 months or years of data to be printed. 2 new reports (by value with graph and by quantity) have been added.
Additional Sales History current and standard cost fields (F0279)
Two fields of current and standard cost values have been added to the sales history file. These are set to 0.000 for history generated prior to V2.1000. Thereafter, they are set to the parts current local cost value for the dispatch quantity. There is a new option for Part reports in the sales history reports. There is also a new Calculate Sales History Costs window that can be used to retrospectively populate history data. You can also amend these cost values in the Amend Sales History References window.
Create Work Orders from Sales Orders now also creates Purchase Orders (F0280)
The Sales Order menu item Create Work Orders from Order has been changed to Create Supply Orders from Order. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window and will open the MRP Purchase Order Recommendations and/or MRP Work Order Recommendations window and gives them the title of Create Purchase/Work Orders from Sales Order.
Find and Replace Functionality added for Group and User access in Link Maintenance (F0281)
The Link System Maintenance has had Group and User Access added to the link listing. The Replace Selected function has been extended to provide for add, remove and replace capability to Group and User Access. It is controlled through the sort order chosen on the list.
Stock Location Maintenance Inventory Feature Added (F0282)
A Stock Multi-Location Maintenance window has been added accessible through a new Process — Inventory — Stock Location Maintenance menu function. This function enables you to build a list of locations and mass-change the location or mass-delete empty locations.
Data Peek and Poke selection by range and sort order features added (F0283)
The Data Peek and Poke Special Function now has a tab pane, the second pane provides for Range Selection for those files that have a search interface. This operates with all the normal ScratchPad interactivity and is an alternative means of populating the list to the record sequence number selection. In addition, after building the list, you can re-sort it on any column (field) using a dropdown list of field names.
Stock History Last Movement Report option to load ScratchPad added (F0284)
An additional option has been added to the Process — Inventory History — Print Movement Reports Part Last Movement report type. The Options window now has a Load ScratchPad if date before checkbox and date field. You can therefore load all ‘obsolete’ parts into the ScratchPad.
Delete Part with All History now has multiple part capability (F0285)
The Delete a Part With All Its History Special Function now has an Automatic Delete from ScratchPad Selection option that allows you to delete a selection of parts from the ScratchPad in a mass-delete mode.
The Message Box now supports Reply and Multiple Recipients (F0286)
The File — Message Box has a new Reply function which operates in a similar manner to typical email client software. In addition you can now select multiple-recipients for a message using the Address list.
Work Order Shortages Picking List sort options added (F0287)
The Print Shortages Reports window now permits sort by part or preferred location options for the Picking List report type.
Log WO Performance options to edit planned times added (F0288)
You can now use the optWOHistoryEditPlan option in Settings Maintenance at any level to permit the editing of planned hours in the Log Work Order Performance window. This is useful if you have route operations that are alternates. Typically, if this were the case one operation would have valid hours (the default) and the other would have zero hours set in the route (the alternative). When you use the alternative operation, you need to zero the work history planned hours otherwise these will contribute to the cost of the WO (this is because where no actual hours are set for an operation, the planned hours are costed).
Complex Returns from Dispatched Sales now supports an option to print inventory results (F0289)
The Returns from Dispatched Sales Complex Options window has a new checkbox option to ‘Print a listing of inventory movements recorded during the return’.
Options added for PO, SO/Job and WO Preparation History to record date change (F0290)
Three options have been added which control whether Order Preparation History is recorded when order dates are changed. optPOPrepDateChange, optSOPrepDateChange and optWOPrepDateChange options have been added for Order Preparation History.
Goods Receipt – barcode scanning of supplier serial numbers (F0291)
Event control has been added to accommodate barcode scanning in the Serial Number Creation on PO Receipt window.
Option added to extent the Prohibit auto-cost-update part control (F0292)
There is now a system-level option that can extend the part Prohibit auto-cost-update control. If the option optPartCostNoUpdate is set to 1, when a part has the Prohibit auto-cost-update control on, part costs are not updated during Confirm PO Prices or Invoice Verification.
Shopfloor Data option added to default quantity to zero (F0293)
There is now a user-level option, optWOShopDefaultZero, if set to 1, in Shopfloor Work Operation Data Collection receipt quantity will default to zero rather than the available receipt quantity for the operation.
Receive Goods From PO – over-delivery warning added (F0294)
Warning messages have been added to the Goods Receipt from Purchase Order window that report to the user any over-quantity entries made that are automatically reduced.
WO Kit Return – full return with no quantities not allowing to mark as unkitted (F0295)
To Cancel or Remake a fully kitted Work Order you can now click on the Work Order Kit and Item Issue or Return window Full Return button and manually zero all the returned kit quantities in the list. This will cause all the kit to be scrapped and the WO will be marked as unkitted. In this condition you can then Cancel or Delete the WO or simply re-kit and re-manufacture the balance due at the time of the full return.
Work History Operation Comments added (F0296)
Normally Work History Operation Comments are not recorded. However, there is now an option, optWOHistOpCom, that permits the recording of comments when work operation history is recorded. When the option is set to 1, the Work Operation History Comments window is made available for each Shopfloor or Log WO Performance entry. If set to 2, it additionally opens for Receive WO and Backflush WO. With this option set to 1 or 2 you can use the option optWOHistOpComment for default comment text.
Sales Item Configuration for Jobs now have different part number prefix to SOs (F0297)
A new prefix for parts configured in Estimates or Jobs has been added to Company Details Maintenance. This enables you to distinguish between parts created in Sales Orders and Jobs.
Work Tracking records no have a separate posted flag for when costs are posted to a WO (F0298)
A new WO Posted flag has been added to the work tracking file. This is used to identify whether costs have been posted to a Work Order. On upgrade to V2.1000, any tracking records that have been market as Cost Posted are set to WO Posted. Non-WO tracking records are always marked as WO Posted. For more details see the Work Tracking Analysis window.
Caliach Vision V2.1000 Vital Statistics
Windows | 544 |
Menus | 70 |
Reports | 367 |
Files | 114 |
Toolbars | 9 |
All Classes | 1,406 |
Menu Lines Functions | 667 |
Push Button Functions | 2,202 |
Library Bytes | 19,609,600 |
Library Methods | 33,538 |
Library Method Lines | 318,516 |
Literal Texts | 27,612 |
Strings | 5,489 |
Help Folders | 44 |
Help Page Files | 662 |
Help Graphic Files | 1,051 |
Help Topics | 615 |
Help Links | 5,046 |
Help Index Words | 8,258 |
Ref. Book A4 Pages | 1,671 |
Ref. Book Letter Pages | 1,776 |
See also: – |
Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 31 Dec 2014 01:02:00.00. No class.