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Sales Dispatch: Dispatch or Packing Details

Dispatch or Packing Details

This window enables you to edit some Invoice details. It opens when you click on the Edit Dispatch or Packing Details button on the Options pane in the Invoice or Credit Note Selection and Dispatch Note Selection window.




To revert any changes to the previously saved version.


To save the changes you have made to the data file.

The window has 2 tab panes.

Dispatch or Packing Details 
Line Item Weights 

Dispatch or Packing Details

Dispatch or Packing Details - Dispatch or Packing Details pane

This tab pane enables you to edit Dispatch and or packing details for the selected dispatch note.




Invoices. Dispatch or Packing instructions from SOHCOMM. {INVFILE.INVPACK char 32000}

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Line Item Weights

Dispatch or Packing Details - Line Item Weights pane

This tab pane enables you to view and modify line item weights on a dispatch note.



Line item list

List of all line items for the dispatch (none for a CBD Invoice). Click and pause the mouse over the weight to modify it.

Tip TIP: To edit cells in the list, select the line and click in the cell and hover the mouse over the cell. I.E. click once and pause with no mouse movement. The cell will then expand into an editable box in which you can enter different data. On leaving the box with any action like a tab or click elsewhere, the data is verified and the list returns to normal with the new data shown in the cell.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:41:00.00. Class wInvPackEdit last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:16.

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