The program has a system of automated data checks that can alert users regularly to particular circumstances. This may be simply a review of shortages without orders or it may be a reminder of overdue credit memos. Each user has an individual set of these checks and each can be timed to regularly run automatically.
This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.
File Path
File > System Manager > Privileges and Settings – User tab – Workflow Alerts OR File > Preferences > Workflow alert Checks…
This file path takes you to the Workflow Alert Checks Maintenance for… (User)
Available system checks are listed in the maintenance window. To add one, drag the list line and drop it onto the Operational Check list. A default set of columns is provided which you can edit in the column list below.
Checking Methods field
Here you will find a list of the available checking methods. Drag those you would like to add to the operational checks list.
Operational Checks
Lists the operational checks. Drag from the Checking Methods list to add. Click to select and modify details. Use Delete key to remove.
System Code
This is the system code for the check type
Description of the Operational Check
Enter an optional limiting logical condition (non-zero result) as a Studio calculation that will limit the restrict the results.
NOTE: Some checks are usefully limited. For example, you could restrict a check on parts set for engineering change only to those modified in the last 3 days by adding the condition PTMMODM>dadd(kDay,-3,#D)
Frequency Days
Here you can set which day the check is next run. For example, if you want the check to run every 7 days at the start of the day, enter 7 and set the frequency time to 08:00.
NOTE: If both days and time are zero, the check will never automatically run. However, you can still run it from this window.
Frequency Time
Together with the Frequency Days, the Frequency Time determines when the check is next run. If the days is set to 0 the time alone will control frequency. For example, 04:00 will set the check to run at the start of the day and then every 4 hours thereafter.
Some check methods can accept parameters. A comma separated list of values should be entered.
Report Class
If you have a custom report class for this check, enter its name. Otherwise leave blank to use the standard.
Selecting one of the options will determine if the report prints in portrait or landscape.
Total Text
Optional total line custom text. If no entry is made and there is at least one column totalled default text (String s4369) is used. You can embed a single square bracket notation calculation within the text which will be evaluated into the text.
Last Run
This will show when this operational check was last run. If you amend this date and time, you can set the point at which the periodic sequence starts.
List and Report Columns
Lists the record columns that make up the Operation Check Results. Drag and drop to change order, use Del key to remove lines.
TIP: To edit cells in the list, select the line and click in the cell and hover the mouse over the cell. The cell will then expand into an editable box in which you can enter different data. On leaving the box with any action like a tab or click elsewhere, the data is verified and the list returns to normal with the new data shown in the cell.
The following restrictions apply to the columns:
- The Field name column is case-sensitive and can be either a field name from one of the valid file classes (listed below) or from a global file (such as MCDFILE), or a made-up field name for a calculated field.
- The Heading can be any text.
- The Width is a proportional number. The system will take the sum of all column widths and apportion the actual column width pro rata to your width entry for any column.
- The Sort column should be left at 0 for unsorted columns. For sorted columns you should enter them in order up to a maximum of 9.
- The Subtotal column should be set to a special string value (default is 0) for each sorted field column where you wish to have a subtotal printed on reports when the value changes. The maximum number of sorts with subtotal is 6. The string is made up of 4 values delimited by a / character. 0/0/0/0 would cause a subtotal whenever the field changed. The 4 values are:
- subtotal Interval
- New Page Interval
- Subtotal Interval Start
- New Page Interval Start
This enables you to fine control when subtotals breaks occur and when a new page is forced to start after the subtotal. The values you enter depend on the data type of the field on which you are subtotalling:
Character: The value you enter is the number of characters in from the left of the field value that you want to see change before triggering a subtotal. 0 means any character change. E.G. 3/0/0/0 for the customer code field would see CAL001 and CAL002 being within the same subtotalled group because they have the same first 3 characters.
Number: The value you enter is a number, like 1000 or 10, and in this case all attributes are valid so 1000/2000/10000/20000 would cause the first subtotal to be at 2000 and then every 1000 thereafter, with page breaks after 20000 and 10000 after that.
Date and Date Time: The value in Subtotal Interval and New Page Interval are as follows:
0 = Any change
1 = Every Second
2 = Every Minute
3 = Every Quarter Hour
4 = Every Half Hour
5 = Every Hour
6 = Every Half Day
7 = Every Day
8 = Every 7 Days
9 = Every 14 Days
10 = Every Week
11 = Every 2 Weeks
12 = Every Month
13 = Every Quarter
14 = Every Half Year
15 = Every Year
16 = Every Century
17 = Every Fiscal* Month
18 = Every Fiscal* Quarter
19 = Every Fiscal* Half Year
20 = Every Fiscal* Year
The Start attributes are not used for dates and times. * Fiscal periods are based on the Financial Year End you have set in the Company Details Maintenance window. The Totalled column indicates to the system that the column should be totalled. There are 5 types of total:
1 = Total Value
2 = Average Value
3 = Count of Records
4 = Minimum Value
5 = Maximum Value
- The Subtotal Text column is an optional column that can contain your own text for the subtotal line. You can embed a [No] which will be set to the subtotal level number, a [Heading] which will be set to the column heading text and a final single square bracket notation to show the subtotal value (use [Value] for the standard subtotal value). For example, to display just the month and year in a monthly subtotal you could enter “Monthly subtotal for [dat(Value,’m y’)]”. If no entry is made and there is a subtotal default text (String s4368) is used which is “Subtotal [No] for: [Heading] = [Value]”.
- The Calculation column contains the calculation if it is a calculated field. To define the calculation field type, you need to select the line and click on Calculation.
WARNING: If you use a total type other than Total Value, the standard text may mislead those who read it.
Add Column
Select to add a new column to the list of columns.
Click to modify or add a calculated column.
Copy Set
Click to copy the setoff operational checks from another user. You will have the option to append them to any you already have.
Test List
Click to test to the review window, the operational check with the current data. The workflow alert result window will open.
Test Report
Select this to test the operational check with current data and send it directly to a report.
Click to export the operational checks for transfer to another datafile or for backup purposes.
Select to import the operational checks exported previously.
Revert any changes to the previously saved version by clicking this button.
Save any changes you have made to the data file.
This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.
Compiled in Program Version 6.00.
Class wAlertReportMaint (Workflow Alert Checks Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Privileges and Settings – User tab OR File > Preferences > Workflow alert Checks…