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  4. Parts: Part, Customer or Supplier Master and Related Export and Import

Parts: Part, Customer or Supplier Master and Related Export and Import

This window takes three forms depending on whether it was opened from the Part Maintenance, Customer Maintenance or Supplier Maintenance window.

This window is primarily used to copy a master record and all its relations from one datafile to another.

Exporting master data from this window creates a datafile that you can name and loads into it the master record(s) and related master records. For example a part record must have an index code 1 and 2 and may have standard texts, a preferred supplier, an alias part and a byproduct part. All these records will be saved in the export file. In addition, you can select from the options to include other master records and their associated records. An internal log is maintained of the exported records in the export file which is used during the import process to re-establish the relationships. An Alert Message window opens at the end of Export and Import to report what records have been included.

Dragging a number of selected lines from the ScratchPad and dropping onto the Export button will export the group of master records.

When importing from a exported datafile, all logged records are imported if they do not already exist in the datafile you are importing into.

Warning WARNING: Currencies are ignored when importing. Take care that if costs and prices are significant and currencies are not common in both the Export and Import datafiles, you will need to subsequently amend values in the imported records.


Part Master and Related Export and Import window

When exporting parts, you have the option to Also Include parts, customers and suppliers encountered. Encountered parts will be treated in the same way as the exported part. So, if you have checked the Component and Parent Relations, you may well export all parts in the BoM file. Related customer parts and purchase parts are not included when you Also Include Customers or Also Include Suppliers.



Part Number

Parts Master. Part number unique identifier. {PTMFILE.PTMPTNO char 18}

You can click on the Parts ScratchPad or drag from it and drop into this field to select a part.

Part Description

Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30}

Suppress Related Preferred Suppliers

Check to blank any preferred suppliers in the exported part records and hence not export those suppliers.

Bill of Material Component Relations

Check to include this file.

Also Include Component Parts

Check to include Component Parts encountered.

Bill of Material Parent Relations

Check to include this file.

Also Include Parent Parts

Check to include Parent Parts encountered.

Customer Part Relations

Check to include this file.

Also Include Customers

Check to include Customers encountered.

Engineering Data Relations

Check to include this file.

Purchase Part Relations

Check to include this file.

Also Include Suppliers

Check to include Suppliers encountered.

Process Route Relations

Check to include this file.

Quality Assurance Relations

Check to include this file.

Serial Number Component Relations

Check to include this file.

Serial Number Parent Relations

Check to include this file.

Stock Lengths Relations

Check to include this file.



Export Part

Click to export the selected part with related master data into a tagged text file.

Import From Export File

Click to import parts, customers and suppliers with related master data from an exported datefile.




Customer Code

Customers. Unique customer identification code. {CUSFILE.CUSCODE char 6}

You can click on the Customer ScratchPad or drag from it and drop into this field to select a part.

Customer Name

Customers. Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}

Customer Parts Relations

Check to include this file.



Export Customer

Click to export the selected customer with related master data into a tagged text file.

Import From Export File

Click to import parts, customers and suppliers with related master data from an exported datafile.

Customer Master and Related Export and Import window


Supplier Master and Related Export and Import window



Supplier Code

Suppliers. Supplier unique code identifier. {SUPFILE.SUPCODE char 6}

You can click on the Supplier ScratchPad or drag from it and drop into this field to select a part.

Supplier Name

Suppliers. Supplier company name. {SUPFILE.SUPNAME char 40}

Purchase Part Relations

Check to include this file.



Export Supplier

Click to export the selected supplier with related master data into a tagged text file.

Import From Export File

Click to import parts, customers and suppliers with related master data from an exported datefile.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 8 May 2012 06:20:00.00. Class wPtmCusSupExpImp last modified 16 Jul 2016 05:36:41.

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