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  4. Goods Receipt and Purchase History: Supplier and Dispatch Performance

Goods Receipt and Purchase History: Supplier and Dispatch Performance

Supplier and Dispatch Performance

Supplier and Dispatch Performance

This is a dual-purpose selection window that is used to setup the parameters of both Supplier Performance and Dispatch Performance. Both analysis functions operate in the same way.

The analysis uses purchase or sales history to grade the performance of suppliers or your dispatch performance to customers. You carry out the analysis for Purchase Order receipts or Sales Dispatches recorded over a selected date range.

The analysis will award 100 points to the supplier or customer for each receipt of goods or dispatch within the date range. Points are then deducted for deviations from the instructions on the purchase or sales order. You can set the severity of these bad marks to reflect your consideration of their relative importance.

Points are deducted for early delivery (default 5), late delivery (default 10) and extra late delivery (default 20) for which you can set the extent in working days beyond which a delivery is considered extra late (default 5). Finally you can use the extent of returns to apply penalty points for quality. In this case you can set the number of penalty points that will be applied factored to the proportion of returns. For example, if set at 50, 50 points will be deducted if the entire quantity received has been returned, 25 points will be deducted if 50% of the receipt was returned.

Warning WARNING: You should take care to recognize that the analysis only draws its data from receipts or dispatches for the date range and not items that were overdue but un-received on the end date of the range. Further, you should be aware that the extent of receipt and dispatch reliability will be affected by how promptly you record the receipt onto the system and the accuracy of your Buy or Make calendar.



From Date

Enter data that restricts the records selected. If left blank, data will be selected from the maximum and minimum extremes in the file. All selections criteria you enter will have to be met by each record processed.

To Date

Enter data that restricts the records selected. If left blank, data will be selected from the maximum and minimum extremes in the file. All selections criteria you enter will have to be met by each record processed.


The penalty points that will apply for each early dispatch/delivery recorded.


The penalty points that will apply for each dispatch/delivery which was late, but not very late.

Extra Late

The penalty points that will apply for each dispatch/delivery which was late, by at least the entered days.

Extra Late Days

The number of days after S/PO date that a late dispatch/delivery is considered Extra Late.


The return penalty is calculated by this factor times the proportion of the dispatch/receipt returned.

Weight by value (1 point per local unit of currency)

This option causes the delivery or dispatch to be weighted by value rather than a simple 100 points per event.

Exclude non-part items

This option causes non-part items to be ignored.

Use Originally Promised Date

This is only available for Suppliers. This option will lead to the Ordered Days being temporarily re-calculated based on the Originally Promised Date rather than the Delivery Due Date.




Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 16 May 2012 02:03:00.00. Class wPuhSup last modified 6 Feb 2015 03:06:29.

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