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Company Details Maintenance – Localisation


In this tab you will define the options for standard formats.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

File Path

File > System Manager > Company Details…

This file path takes you to the Company Details Maintenance window. Select the Localisation tab.

Initial set up of system localisation

Date format style

Enter the format you would like dates to appear on all reports and windows. See explanation of styles in the Buttons and Fields section below.

WARNING: All Caliach Vision date entry fields, list and report data are assumed to be no longer than 12 characters. You should therefore refrain from using the text style options that will inevitably cause some dates to exceed this limit.

System separators

You can change the usual separator character in this section eg. Time is usually separated by a . (full stop) – 10.50 but you can change it for a , (comma) – 10,50.

Financial year end

Enter year end date here (Actual year is unimportant).

Starting day of the week

Choose the first day of your working week as appropriate for your company.

Base code language and name

Enter code names and language names separated by a comma for language swap here if appropriate.

Language swap languages

Enter code names and language names separated by a comma for language swap here if appropriate.

Extreme character Unicode (hex)

You can enter an extreme Unicode character for searches in hex format up to 10FFF.


Date format styles

The system allows you to determine the format of dates on windows and reports. A code can be entered in this field to determine the date style. The code is made up of the following characters:

Y = the year (21)

y = the year with century (2021)

C = the century part of the year (20)

M = the month number (01)

m = the three letter abbreviation of the month (JAN)

n = the month in full text (January)

D = the day number of the date (15)

d = the day as text (15th)

W = the day of the week (5)

w = the day of the week (Friday)

Examples are as follows:

m D,y displays JAN 15,2021 D m y displays 15 JAN 2021

M/D/Y displays 1/15/21

YMD displays 210115

D-m-19Y displays 15-JAN-2021

System separators

You can change the usual . (full-stop, period mark) character as the decimal separator in numbers displayed and printed in the entire system. For some European countries a , (comma) character is used. (E.g. 10,50 instead of 10.50). There is a limited range of characters you can use. They are:

!”#$% ‘()*+,-.

Take great care with using these as they can cause a great deal of confusion. The use of the character you set here applies only to the use of a particular datafile and only within the system.

You can also change the usual , (comma) character as the thousands separator in long numbers displayed and printed in the system. For some European countries a . (full-stop, period mark) character is used. (E.g. 1.000.000,00 in place of 1,000,000.00).

Financial year end

Financial year end date is used in some calculations. The actual year is unimportant.

Starting day of the week

The starting day of the week is used in date calculations.

Base language code and name

When entering the local base language code and name use ISO 631-1 language codes eg. en. English.

Language swap languages

The Language Swap System allows you to translate your textual data into as many languages as you wish to support for, output on reports and other output to satisfy a multi-lingual community. Some examples of this are, having customers that don’t speak our localised language, shopfloor workforce are not fluent in the company base language or some of our suppliers require the paperwork in their language to minimises mistakes. When entering the code and name it is recommended use of the ISO 639-1 standard to be consistent with external translators such as Google translate.

Extreme character Unicode (hex)

When searches are made and you enter a search range in a typical report selection window, if you don’t enter anything in the to range field the system will enter for you a single character that is presumed to be greater, in search terms, than the values in the data. To accommodate the universal character system of Unicode and when you use characters which are from high Unicode values, you may need to choose a higher value for this than our 221E default value. The maximum you can enter is 10FFFF and what you enter must be in hexadecimal format.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.

Class wMcdEdit (Company Details Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Company Details…

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