What is New in Version 2.00
Caliach Vision V2.00 operates with Omnis Studio V3.31 or greater.
The following relates to changes made since V1.3000.
Summary of adjustments you may want to make to your converted data
File — System Manager — System Preferences: Parts tab pane
There is a new preference: Part yield in lost units per batch rather than percent rate
File — System Manager — Privileges and Settings
Menus items that have been added are:
- File — Advanced — Link System Maintenance
- Ledgers — General Ledger — Cash Flow Analysis
- ScratchPads — Open Link
- ScratchPads — Create Link
- Parts ScratchPad Options — Save as User List
- Customers ScratchPad Options — Save as User List
- Suppliers ScratchPad Options — Save as User List
- Ledgers ScratchPad Options — Save as User List
- Special Functions — Convert Local Currency
- Special Functions — Normalise Customer/Supplier Currency Account
Window Tab Panes that have been added are:
- Link System Maintenance
Fields you may want to populate
- Purchase Parts
- Internal note
- Rank
- Marketing Contacts
- Mailable
- Customers
- Stop All SOs
- Stop SOs if over credit limit
- Serial Number Tracking
- Due back date and time
- Non-Conformance Reports
- Corrective action text
- Preventative action text
Options Added
The following options have been added. For a full listing see the Program Options Listing window topic.
Name |
Privileges |
Description |
optAcApDocRefUnique |
Sy |
Set to 1 or 2 to respectively warn the user or prevent a non-unique document reference for a supplier when entering an invoice or credit note. |
optStockBatchWindowOff |
T, S, Sy, U |
If set to 1 and when Extended Stock Information system preference is on, the normal multi-location data entry window does NOT open during transactions. |
optStockCopyComment |
Sy |
If set to 1, any change to the comments of a stock location will be transferred to the comments in existing tracking records for that batch, rather than just being applied to any future tracking records. |
optStockFirmAlloc |
Sy |
If set to 1, multi-location parts will be pre-allocated with a location code to indicate the document (P,J,S,W) on which they are required. Batches will be split if needed (regardless of the part’s split batch control). For more details of the operation of this option see the Location and Batch Assignment window help. |
optSOEditDeli |
T, S, Sy, U |
Set to 1 will enable the Delivery Terms field for modification even when a Quotation is confirmed as a Sales Order. |
optSOReturnSubstitute |
Sy |
If set to 1, the stock parts can be added to a complex SO return. These are not added to sales history but stock transactions take place and this therefore provides for return part substitution. |
optSOReturnSupplier |
Sy |
If set to a valid supplier code, you will be able to create PO or WO valuation history when returning dispatched goods. PO history will be assigned to this supplier. |
optWorkTrackingOpSeq |
Sy |
If set to 1, users will NOT be permitted to record work order operations out of sequence in Work Tracking. |
optWOKitEngChange |
T, S, Sy, U |
If set to 1 or 2, users will be warned = 1 or prevented = 2 from issuing component parts which have the Engineering-in-Progress set. Operates in WO kitting and backflush and PO Outwork kitting. |
Feature Enhancements
Feature enhancements up to F0223 were released in maintenance updates to V1.3000. F0224 onwards were released in V2.0000.
Option to enable editing of SO Delivery Terms (F0201)
The option optSOEditDeli was added.
Printing methods added for barcodes (F0202)
Two tPrint methods have been added that convert numbers to barcode characters for EAN13 and UPC barcodes. You can calculate a report field as $ctask.tPrint.$EAN13(pValue) or $ctask.tPrint.$UPCvA(pValue,pShowCheck). pValue must contain the full number and the return value will be the string of encoded characters for the barcode font.
Dispatch label printing (F0203)
In the Dispatch Label Printing window, the list of items can be individually set for the number of cartons and items per carton value and the print function now operates on multiple lines rather than the single selected line.
Additional Review Potential Delivery options added (F0204)
The Sales Dispatch Potential Options window has had additional options added.
Additional oCustom1 method for WO Kitting has been added (F0205)
oCustom1.$WoKitIssued (pWoRow, pIssueQty) has been added.
Sales order monthly summary report added (F0206)
The Sales Order and Quotation Reports window has an additional summary report.
Creating WO’s form SO’s now blow through SO Kit items (F0207)
Now kit items are blown through to their components and each of these is tested for applicability as WO’s and included if appropriate.
Receiving WO’s now accept drag and drop from WO List (F0208)
In the Receive Work Order Assemblies from Production window, in addition to selecting an individual WO or All WO’s, the user can now select a number of WOs in the WO List (click on Select WO then Show Listing) and drag the list lines onto the Receive WO grid.
Purchase Order reports now have subtotals (F0209)
Subtotals on sorted field has been added to the rPohStatus report.
Receiving WO’s now has Receive Permitted button (F0210)
The Receive Work Order Assemblies from Production window now has a Receive Permitted button.
G/L Asset Register additional depreciation-due report (F0211)
The Print Asset Report Selection window now has a depreciation-due report
Return from Dispatched Sales complex options added (F0212)
For full details of complex return options see the Returns from Dispatched Sales Complex Options window.
Outwork PO assembly option added to Available-to-Kit Review (F0213)
The Work Order Available-to-Kit Options window has had an extra checkbox added.
Batch Tracking Comments – option optStockCopyComment added (F0214)
A new system option optStockCopyComments has been added that, if set to 1, will force the update of TCKCOMM for all tracking records for a given batch upon the editing of an STOCOMM field for that batch
G/L Account Review List now shows totals for selected lines (F0215)
The General Ledger Account List window now shows totals for selected lines.
Tracing destinations dispatch reference improvement (F0216)
Tracing destinations dispatch reference now shows dispatch note number.
Firm Allocation of inward stock option added (F0217)
A new system option optStockFirmAlloc has been added. For more details of the operation of this option see the Location and Batch Assignment window help.
Control to ignore history added to customer sales forecasting (F0218)
A control has been added Forecast Period Selection window which ignores history prior to the first period.
GRNs, while the Goods Receipt window is opened, can be re-printed (F0219)
In the Goods Receipt from Purchase Order window, GRN data (including stock location data) is now held in memory while the window remains open and, if the Print GRN checkbox is checked, Process Receipt without any quantities to receive will re-print previously processed GRNs complete with full stock list data.
Return for Credit now has a Print Credit Note checkbox (F0220)
The Returns from Dispatched Sales window now has a Print Credit Note checkbox.
Marketing Events report added to Load List from Company Matches (F0221)
A pseudo report has been added to the Marketing Event Report Selection window in which you can load the marketing list from companies encountered from the event selection.
G/L Financial Statements – 12 period report options added (F0222)
4 options have been added to both P and L and Balance Sheet 12 period financial statements in the Financial Statement Reports Selection window. They can now be run monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly.
Return for Credit complex add substitute part option added (F0223)
A new system option optSOReturnSubstitute has been added. It permits the addition of normal (Non N or P type) parts in a complex return. Such parts are not added to sales history and therefore any credit notes. If a return part has a return stock quantity is set to zero, an added part is then a substituted part in relation to stock movements.
Comprehensive external document linking interface (F0224)
For full details of this comprehensive new feature see the Introduction to the Linked File System topic.
Ability to have more than one supplier part number in purchase parts (F0225)
You can now have multiple purchase part records for the same supplier and part number. For details see the Purchase Parts Maintenance and Purchase Order Line Item Maintenance windows.
Stock location recording in inventory and batch tracking history (F0226)
Add TCKLOC and STHLOC (comma separated list) field to record inward/outward location of stock movement. Method oProcessStock.$GetListFromSthloc() can be used to convert the data to list form.
Ledger account review – select for period range (F0227)
When reviewing an account, it is now possible to select a period or range of periods for review.
Alternative treatment of part yield (F0228)
An alternative system preference to compute part yield in units of extra BoM units rather than a simple percent. I.E. Tea for 2 would be 3 tea bags, tea for 10 would be 11 bags and tea for 100 would be 101 bags
WO Receipt – S/N not pre-assigned from last assignment (F0229)
The system has been changed to ignore the previously received quantity of serial numbers in date order.
Marketing letters to have a print mailable contacts option (F0230)
A field has been added to contact records to indicate ‘mailable’ and a switch tool has been added to print all mailable contacts.
Sales order restriction for customers without credit (F0231)
Two controls have been added to customer records to stop orders being created. The system permits quotations and estimates to be raised but it stops them being converted to orders and jobs under all circumstances or if doing so would mean the on-order value were to exceed the credit limit.
Work Tracking – prevent out-of-sequence ops option (F0232)
A new system option optWorkTrackingOpSeq has been added that prevents out-of-sequence operation entries.
Bulk printing of remittances – for non-cheque payments (F0233)
The Bank Cheque Review and Printing window now enables you to list non-cheque payments from which you can print remittance advice notes.
Due back date added to Serial Number Tracking (F0234)
A due back date has been added to the Serial Number Tracking Maintenance, Serial Number Tracking Selection and Serial Number Tracking Reports Selection windows.
Save ScratchPad contents and re-load at login (F0235)
A Save to User List ScratchPad menu function has been added that saves the contents of the ScratchPad to the users settings. When the user logs in again the ScratchPads are automatically populated from any stored lists.
Goods Receipt – avoid Batch Assignment queries (F0236)
A new option optStockBatchWindowOff has been added which has the following effect when set: When Extended Stock Information system preference is on, the normal multi-location data entry window does NOT open during transactions.
Workflow Alert Trigger on WO Kitting added (F0237)
There is now a workflow trigger which fires when a Work Order is kitted.
Non-Conformance Reports to have more fields (F0238)
Non-conformance reports to have a corrective action and a preventative action text fields to more closely meet ISO standards. See the Non-Conformance Report Details window.
oCustom1 cross-referenced and cleaned (F0239)
oCustom1 methods have been cross-referenced to object.method of where called. This is visible from the Interface Manager description
Customer/Supplier Currency Normalisation added to Special Functions (F0240)
The Customer/Supplier Account Currency Normaliser window is now available on the Special Functions Menu menu.
Bank Cash Flow feature added to General Ledger (F0241)
A Cash Flow Analysis feature has been added which populates from all three ledgers and estimates and forecast transactions that you can enter. See the Cash Flow Management and Analysis window for details.
Marketing data import/export version control added (F0242)
Import export of marketing data now has version control with appropriate user warnings.
Convert local currency special function added (F0243)
A special functions process has been added to convert the local currency and all values associated within the system. See the Local Currency Migration window for details.
Option added to warn of engineering change on components when kitting (F0244)
You can setup the optWOKitEngChange option in Settings Maintenance. If set to 1 or 2, users will be warned = 1 or prevented = 2 from issuing component parts which have the Engineering-in-Progress set. Operates in WO kitting and backflush and PO Outwork kitting.
Option added to warn or prevent user entering duplicate reference in AP Invoice (F0245)
You can protect against duplicate document references (typically invoice numbers) being applied on the same supplier account by using the option optAcApDocRefUnique. Set the option value to 1 or 2 to respectively warn the user or prevent a non-unique document reference for a supplier.
See also: – |
Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Feb 2013 12:52:00.00. No class.